1 ENERGY STAR ® Product Labeling Wood Stove & Pellet Stove Scoping Andrew Fanara Ellen Wildermann Gil Wood March 18, 2009
2 Potential ENERGY STAR specifications for wood stoves and pellet stoves EPA is conducting a scoping study to determine potential value of developing voluntary ENERGY STAR specifications for superior wood stoves and pellet stoves EPA is gauging the interest of manufacturers to design and market superior products that earn the ENERGY STAR by meeting strict energy-efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy EPA is gauging the interest of consumers in these products that will not only cut customers’ energy costs, but also help protect the environment Saving energy reduces the burning of fossil fuels, which leads to less air pollution and ultimately reduces global warming
3 What is ENERGY STAR? ENERGY STAR is a voluntary government-backed program dedicated to helping individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency Products that have earned the ENERGY STAR meet strict energy-efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy These products not only cut customers’ energy costs, but also help protect the environment Saving energy reduces the burning of fossil fuels, which leads to less air pollution and ultimately reduces global warming
4 ENERGY STAR Product Labeling Objectives: 1.To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, caused by the inefficient use of energy 2.To make it easy for businesses and consumers to identify and purchase products with enhanced energy efficiency that offer savings on utility bills while maintaining performance, features, and comfort
5 ENERGY STAR Homes, Buildings, Products
6 50+ Product Categories Are Covered by ENERGY STAR in the US Appliances Clothes washers Dishwashers Refrigerators Dehumidifiers Air cleaners Water coolers Heating & Cooling Central AC Heat pumps Boilers Furnaces Ceiling fans Room AC Ventilating fans Home Electronics Battery chargers Cordless phones Answering machines TV/VCRs DVD products Home audio External power adapters DTAs Office Equipment Computers Monitors Printers Copiers Scanners Fax machines Multi-function devices Lighting CFLs Residential light fixtures Exit signs Home Envelope Home sealing Roof products Windows/Doors Commercial Food Service Refrigerators Freezers Fryers Steamers Hot food cabinets Vending Machines Dishwashers Ice machines
7 ENERGY STAR Partners in the US ENERGY STAR works with many stakeholders in reducing greenhouse gas emissions including –Manufacturers, retailers, and state and utility partners More than 1,700 manufacturers labeling more than 40,000 product models Over 900 retailers in US and Puerto Rico More than 500 utilities and other energy efficiency program sponsors promoting ENERGY STAR
8 Activities to Support Partners and Qualifying Products Publicity and consumer education –Public Service Announcements in print, TV, and radio –Annual National Promotions for Lighting, Cooling Equipment, Home Electronics, and Home Appliances –Consumer brochures Marketing tools Recognition with annual awards Purchasing tools including sample procurement language Consumer Web-site:
9 ENERGY STAR Successes In 2006 alone, Americans: saved $14 billion dollars off energy bills with ENERGY STAR saved 170 billion kWhr, 5% of total 2006 electricity demand –equivalent to the annual emissions of 25 million cars –including 35,000 MW of peak power, equivalent to 70 new power plants purchased about 2.1billion ENERGY STAR qualified products
10 Guiding Principles for Specification Development Cost-effective efficiency Performance maintained or enhanced Significant energy savings potential Efficiency is achievable with several technology options Product differentiation and testing are feasible Labeling can be effective in the market
12 Reasons for New and Revised Specifications New Specifications –Primarily energy savings potential All obvious products are covered by the program Now industry comes to us with ideas Specification Revisions –Federal Standards –Market penetration –Consumer behavior –Technology advancement –Performance issues Consistently monitor the market and rely on stakeholders to learn about opportunities for new specifications and reasons for revisions
13 Negotiations with Stakeholders EPA/DOE Consultants National Labs Utilities CEE Industry Manufacturers Trade Associations Retailers International Governments Australia Canada EU Japan New Zealand Taiwan China NGOs NRDC ACEEE Consumers Union
14 Protecting Integrity of ENERGY STAR Label Self-certification program, similar to other U.S. self- certification programs, relied on to work under certain circumstances –Competitive market place –Active consumer groups (Consumer Reports) EPA routinely looking for/addressing integrity issues –Information on products and appropriate logo use required as condition of partnership / logo use monitoring –Routine checking of manufacturer submitted information –Selective product testing –Pulling from retail shelves – twice annually –Receiving customer calls –Manufacturer information on competitors –Designed supplemental testing program for problem areas -- lighting products Complementary reinforcing package
15 ENERGY STAR is International U.S. EPA has arrangements with agencies in other countries regarding ENERGY STAR for office equipment –Japan –Taiwan –Australia: also includes home electronics and others –New Zealand: also includes home electronics and others –Canada: also includes most other product categories U.S. Government has a formal agreement with the European Union on ENERGY STAR for office equipment
16 International Cooperation APP/BATF - Computers - Monitors - STB - TV - Fridge/Freezer - Stand by EU CoC -Data Center -TV services -Broadband Devices -EPS -UPS EU/Energy Star -Office Equipment Monitors / PC/Game Consoles/Imaging NRCan - Lighting - Heat Recovery Vent - Battery Chargers - EPS - Data Servers EuP – Includes: Computers, Imaging TV, Standby, BC, EPS AC, Vent, Res appliance
17 Next Steps EPA will complete the scoping study and brief management If approved, we will proceed to a stakeholder process Questions? Suggestions? Level of interest? Contact: Gil Wood Gov