The Italian States Unite,
Factors That Led to Italian Unification Geography Italy is isolatedItaly is isolated Geographic isolation allows Italy to develop its own ways, customs.Geographic isolation allows Italy to develop its own ways, customs. History Italians are very proud of their heritage, including the Italian Renaissance.Italians are very proud of their heritage, including the Italian Renaissance. Napoleon’s conquest of Italian states led to a desire not to be conquered again Italian unity.Napoleon’s conquest of Italian states led to a desire not to be conquered again Italian unity. Efforts of Three Men: Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour
Giuseppe Mazzini, “Heart of Italian Unification” He was a member of the Carbonari who were a secret group which used violence to obtain what it wanted. He formed Young Italy, made up of young people whose job it was to arouse enthusiasm for a united nation. Tried revolution but it failed.
Giuseppe Garibaldi, “The Sword of Italian Unification” Italian nationalist who led an army called the “Red Shirts” Garibaldi first invaded Sicily, then urged them to join Piedmont- Sardinia under the leadership of Victor Emmanuel. Garibaldi handed over all conquered lands to Victor Emmanuel.
Count Cavour, “The Mind of Italian Unification” Count Camillo di Cavour was led a revolt against Austria – this encouraged other Italian states to revolt. United with Garibaldi to form Italy’s first united government since the Roman Empire Formed a constitutional monarchy Gained Venice from Austria in 1866 and Rome from France in 1871
Victor Emmanuel II
Problems Faced by a United Italy Right to vote is limited to upper and middle class property holders. Many Catholics refuse to participate in new nation (as did the Pope). Italy lacked industrial development, agriculture, and natural resources. Northern Italy was wealthy, Southern Italy was poor Prices were high, people could not afford manufactured goods.