Scouting in Scotland A New Support Structure April 2008
A New Support Structure in Scotland Drivers for Change Dropping membership numbersDropping membership numbers Reducing numbers of GroupsReducing numbers of Groups Increasing numbers of unfilled appointmentsIncreasing numbers of unfilled appointments The often duplication of roles at SHQ/Area/DistrictThe often duplication of roles at SHQ/Area/District Increased requirement for advisors/specialistsIncreased requirement for advisors/specialists
A New Support Structure in Scotland Drivers for Change To encourage more volunteers to work at Group levelTo encourage more volunteers to work at Group level To recognise modern communicationsTo recognise modern communications To concentrate specific resources on the development and promotion of ScoutingTo concentrate specific resources on the development and promotion of Scouting To re-establish effective adult trainingTo re-establish effective adult training To consolidate previous and current restructuringTo consolidate previous and current restructuring
A New Support Structure in Scotland Core Requirements Supports and encourages young peopleSupports and encourages young people Scout Group remains supreme for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and linked to Explorers and Scout Network within DistrictsScout Group remains supreme for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and linked to Explorers and Scout Network within Districts GSL role remains as coreGSL role remains as core A re-focussed District role is strengthened/establishedA re-focussed District role is strengthened/established Uniformed/Non Uniformed partnership is retainedUniformed/Non Uniformed partnership is retained
A New Support Structure in Scotland Core Requirements Consideration of Local Authority boundariesConsideration of Local Authority boundaries Have manageable volunteer rolesHave manageable volunteer roles Be viable both financially and numericallyBe viable both financially and numerically Must not require additional support or running costsMust not require additional support or running costs Have high universal acceptance across ScotlandHave high universal acceptance across Scotland
A New Support Structure in Scotland Our Roadmap for Change Clear Vision of the futureClear Vision of the future Extensive preparationExtensive preparation Effective individual and collective communicationsEffective individual and collective communications Detailed, sympathetic and wide consultationDetailed, sympathetic and wide consultation Updated Role DescriptionsUpdated Role Descriptions Inclusive and open recruitment processInclusive and open recruitment process Preparing and monitoring of a Project PlanPreparing and monitoring of a Project Plan Guidance for Change DocumentGuidance for Change Document A role for everyone!A role for everyone!
A New Support Structure in Scotland The New Regional Structure REGION DISTRICT GROUP SHQ Young people Balanced Programme Balanced Programme Support / Adult Support Development/Communication/ Adult Training/Advice Policy/Procedures/Professional/ Volunteer Support
A New Support Structure in Scotland The Task Moving from 31 Areas to 8 RegionsMoving from 31 Areas to 8 Regions Moving from c. 80 to 56 DistrictsMoving from c. 80 to 56 Districts Offering better support to our 600 Scout GroupsOffering better support to our 600 Scout Groups Established a Change Team to develop GuidanceEstablished a Change Team to develop Guidance Recruitment and Redeployment of personnelRecruitment and Redeployment of personnel Timetable for changeTimetable for change
A New Support Structure in Scotland The Eight Regions Highland North East East South East Forth Clyde West South West
A New Support Structure in Scotland Distinct Responsibilities DISTRICT RESONSIBILITIES Motivational Leadership Direct support to Groups GSL recruitment Executive and Administrative Management Supporting the delivery of balanced Programme District Development and Growth Getting started modules District gatherings Implementing policies Management of District Assets Financial audit of Groups REGIONAL RESONSIBILITIES Inspirational Leadership Direct support to Districts DC recruitment Executive and Strategic Management Development Growth and supporting Recruitment Communication and Publicity Training from module 5 onwards Advisory and guidance Formulating and Promoting policies Management of Regional Assets Financial audit of Districts
A New Support Structure in Scotland Regional Structure Regional Commissioner Assist. Regional Commissioner (Development) Assist. Regional Commissioner Communications Assist. Regional Commissioner (Adult Training) Advisers Child Protection Special Needs Faiths and Beliefs International Activities Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Gang Show District Commissioner Regional Chairperson Executive Committee Assist. Regional Commissioner (Explorer Scouts) Assist. Regional Commissioner (Scout Network)
A New Support Structure in Scotland District Structure District Commissioner ADC Beaver Scouts ADC Cub Scouts ADC Scouts District Explorer Scout Commissioner District Chairperson Executive Committee Appointments Sub-Committee ADC (Adult Training) Training Advisors Group Scout Leaders District Scout Network Leader
A New Support Structure in Scotland Guidance Document Legal Property FinanceConstitution and POR Funding and Grant ProposalsRecruitment and Redeployment Adult Training Membership Services PR & Communication Scottish Headquarters Section SupportImplementation Time Line
A New Support Structure in Scotland Things to Consider… UnderstandingUnderstanding the revised structurethe revised structure the distinctive roles of Region & Districtthe distinctive roles of Region & District the new appointments & responsibilitiesthe new appointments & responsibilities the differences with England, Wales and Northern Irelandthe differences with England, Wales and Northern Ireland Ensuring correct communication circulationEnsuring correct communication circulation Communication matrixCommunication matrix Ensuring Membership Services System serves the Scottish StructureEnsuring Membership Services System serves the Scottish Structure Sectional Support TeamsSectional Support Teams
A New Support Structure in Scotland Timetable for Change Phase 1. – Consultation and Recruitment Phase 2. – Appointments and Preparation Phase 3. – Implementation Phase 4. - Review
A New Support Structure in Scotland Further Information Scottish Headquarters Website Project Managers:- Volunteer Roy Davidson, Depute Chief Commissioner (Development) Staff Graeme Luke, Programme and Development Executive
A New Support Structure in Scotland Highland Forth East Clyde South East West North East South West