Transitional Support Scheme SOUTH WALES AND GWENT AREA Workshop Presentation for The Howard League for Penal Reform Community Sentences Cut Crime Conference 11th July 2006 This project has received funding from the Welsh Assembly Government
What is the Transitional Support Scheme? A mentoring support service available to prisoners who have substance misuse (including alcohol) issues who are resettling in Wales following release from prison. Aimed at those serving less than 12 months. Focus is on practical resettlement needs via motivational encouragement / empowerment, ie Access to drug treatment. Homelessness. Employment/Training/Education. Relationship problems. Benefits/financial issues etc.
G4S Transitional Support Scheme SOUTH WALES AND GWENT AREA Mission Statement To enhance an offender’s motivation to change in order to assist him or her with community re-integration. To do this by way of planning, connecting and encouraging interaction with those who can best provide the appropriate level and type of support as determined by a mutual assessment of need.
Mentors: Referral Matching mentor / participant and flexibility to change Health & Safety Risk Assessment (Task & Participant) RAC Breakdown & Recovery Cover Personal Protection Equipment PDA First Aid Kits Personal Alarms Contact Reporting Operational Function
Casework: Prison Contacts – Experience of What Works Participant motivation issues Managing transfers Community / Home Visits Working with families Wide range of contact type Trends in Intensity of Support Individualised approach Developing knowledge Operational Function cont…..
Our Team TSS Operational Manager Head of Resettlement HMP/YOI Parc Director of Custody and Rehabilitation Services Volunteer Mentors Participants Peer Group Mentor Lead Mentor Participants Volunteer Mentors Participants Lead Mentor Volunteer Mentors Peer Advisory Panel TSS Project Management Board
Peer Advisory Panel The G4S, TSS, Peer Advisory Panel (PAP) was formally inaugurated in April Composition: Four volunteers who have been through the TSS process as clients. Democratically processed. Duties: To attend monthly meetings with TSS team to discuss continued development of the scheme bringing with them their experiences and ideas to promote its credibility amongst service users. When appropriate, accompany the TSS Manager to events and presentation.
Mentoring and Befriending Foundation Approved Provider Status Funded by the Home Office, Awarding body sits within the Department for Education and Skills (DfES). Intense qualitative framework required by those who apply. Awarded to G4S TSS in April 2006; valid for 3 years.
Performance reports and data Welsh Assembly Government Evaluation Report publicised March 2006 with very positive results for the service delivery and performance of G4S: see South Wales and Gwent Area to date: 425 males, 56 females Contacts = % Community Based
Current contract with the Welsh Assembly Government ends March NOMS / Custody Plus (Home Secretary’s 5 year Strategy for Protecting the Public and Reducing Re-offending). SPV for facilitating Peer Group involvement/employment, providing formal infrastructure for purposeful and ethical employer practices whilst working towards robust ‘service-user’ led programmes within the G4S Justice Services’ remit. The future
Transitional Support Scheme SOUTH WALES AND GWENT AREA Q&A