Nurturing & Supporting Religious Education Volunteers Presented by Patricia Infante, Regional Faith Development Consultant, CERG Jan Gartner, Lifespan Faith Development & Youth Ministries Consultant, OMD
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Lighting Our Virtual Chalice Let nothing dim the light that shines from within. ~Maya Angelou
Introductions Please introduce yourself by sharing the following: Your Name Congregation Name Your role/job in the congregation Approximate Congregation Size & RE Enrollment
Overview Recruiting Volunteers for your Program Orienting & Equipping Volunteers Communication Ways to Support Volunteers Keeping Volunteers Motivated Appreciation & Recognition
Supporting Your Volunteers
relationship to the person who asked feel honored/respected/flattered to have been asked love for the institution/giving something back desire to put faith into action to connect with others desire to accomplish a goal recognition and feedback personal growth sense of duty Why do people volunteer? Special Challenges: the oxymoron of “obligatory volunteerism” The polarity of call versus duty
Recruit Explain the role: Big picture: How is this role/task a ministry? Why is it important? How does it strengthen congregational life and/or deepen kids/families' connections to the congregation? How does it complement and/or simplify the work of others? Specifics: Time commitment Scope Expectations
Orient Formal and/or informal orientation Foster competence and confidence Clarify the role Remind volunteers of the big picture Specifics: How-to’s FAQ’s Parameters What can volunteers expect from you?
Support Communicate Stay connected weekly to teachers mid-year check-ins your ideas? Provide relevant info Church happenings, important reminders Remind volunteers of the role of staff/program leaders Providing supplies, finding subs....what do you do? Two-way communication Encourage volunteers to contact you – when/how to do so Request honest, constructive feedback
Support Nurture tips, how-to’s fun or inspirational quotes, song lyrics as part of communications pastoral support provide a mentor help transition out when ready your ideas?
Customize your support Find the right balance of directing hand-holding empowering for each volunteer.
Volunteer Appreciation & Recognition Ritual Recognition Volunteer Dedication Volunteer Appreciation Ongoing Two Way Communication Team Meetings
Keep Congregation Informed & Involved in Recognition Thank volunteers by name in your newsletter. Early & Often! Display teacher/volunteer photos & bios Create bulletin board space for classroom photos, teacher affirmations. Different color nametag
Keep Volunteers Connected to the Larger Community Make sure they know how to obtain copies or podcasts of sermons. Leave a copy of the weekly order of service in each classroom. Provide a book for recording Joys & Concerns Arrange for Sunday’s Off Ask Minister to write letter of thanks
End of the Year Recognition The manner of giving is worth more than the gift. ~ Pierre Corneille
Gift Ideas Small gift such as a book, a pin, a plant Handmade cards or gifts from children Equal Exchange Chocolate Handmade Chalice Class Photo Uni-Uniques
Evaluation of Volunteer Service On-going and End of Year Self – Evaluation What worked well for you? What skills do you need to develop further? Did you enjoy your volunteer task? What advice would you offer to the next person who fills this role? Team/Program Feedback Firing a Volunteer
What If a Volunteer Quits? Is the job too big? Divide it up Ask two people to share responsibility Is the job necessary? Just because you used to do it, doesn’t mean it is necessary now Is it something you should pay someone to do?
Resources R.E. Road Map: An Administrative Guidebook for Religious Educators; get order form from Cindy Leitner, for Scripts for Motivational Pins & Gifts Reach-L Archives
Questions? Your Ideas?
Closing Thought If we all tried to make other people’s paths easy, Our own feet would have a smooth even place to walk on. ~ Myrtle Reed