Muscles By G.Baker
Functions of the Muscular System 1. Stabilize joints with their TENDONS 2. Produce movement (including standing upright) 3. Produce heat to maintain body temperature
3 Types of Muscle Tissue 0 Skeletal 0 Cardiac 0 Smooth Picture from %20student%20page/Vol.%201%20Ch.%208a_files/slide0018.htm %20student%20page/Vol.%201%20Ch.%208a_files/slide0018.htm
Skeletal Muscle 0 Attaches to bone, skin, or fascia (connective tissue) 0 Striated muscle 0 Muscle fibers are bands of dark & light tissue. 0 Function in pairs to bring about the co-ordinated movements of the limbs, trunk, jaws, eyeballs, etc. 0 Voluntary control of contraction & relaxation Picture from ev20a.htm ev20a.htm Picture from o/kids/20169.aspx o/kids/20169.aspx
Picture from Brachioradialis Rectus Abdominus Sartorius Gastrocnemius Pectorals Deltoids Triceps Biceps External Obliques Quadriceps
Cardiac Muscle 0 Found only in the heart. 0 It causes the rhythmical beating of the heart, circulating the blood and its contents throughout the body as a consequence. 0 Involuntary muscle 0 Striated Muscle Picture from for-cardiovascular-who-might-be-next/ for-cardiovascular-who-might-be-next/ Picture from n/medicine/anatomy/histoweb/ muscular/muscle14.htm n/medicine/anatomy/histoweb/ muscular/muscle14.htm
Smooth Muscle 0 Can be found in your digestive system, circulatory system, and even the muscles in your eyes that help them to focus. 0 Smooth muscle tissue is located in the walls of hollow internal structures such as blood vessels, the stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder 0 Smooth muscle controls slow, involuntary movements such as the contraction of the smooth muscle tissue in the walls of the stomach and intestines. 0 The muscle of the arteries contracts and relaxes to regulate the blood pressure and the flow of blood. 0 Involuntary