The Adoption of METIS GSBPM in Statistics Denmark
Agenda 1.Background and context 2.Working with business processes 3.An example of documentation 4.Results of process analysis 5.Metadata coverage 6.Lessons learned
Agenda 1.Background and context 2.Working with business processes 3.An example of documentation 4.Results of process analysis 5.Metadata coverage 6.Lessons learned
Working group on standardisation 1.Multi-annual corporate strategy as basis (”Strategy 2015”) 2.Working group, that refers to Board of Directors 3.METIS GSBPM adopted as common frame 4.Dual focus Process analysis and documentation Coverage of metadata systems
2 Design 1 Specify Needs 3 Build 4 Collect 5 Process 6 Analyse 7 Disseminate 5.1 Integrate data 5.4 Impute 5.5 Derive new variables & stat. units 5.2 Classify & code 5.3 Validate & edit 1.1 Determine need for information 1.4 Identify concepts & variables 1.5 Check data availability 1.2 Consult & confirm need 1.3 Establish output objectives 2.1 Design outputs 2.5 Design stat. processing methodology 2.6 Design prod. systems / workflows 2.3 Design data collection methodology 2.4 Design Frame & sample methodology 3.1 Build data collection instrument 3.4 Test production systems 3.2 Build or enhance process comp. 3.3 Configure workflows 4.1 Select sample 4.4 Finalize collection 4.2 Set up collection 4.3 Run collection 6.1 Prepare draft outputs 6.4 Apply disclosure control 6.5 Finalize outputs 6.2 Validate outputs 6.3 Scrutinize & explain 7.1 Update output systems 7.4 Promote dissemination products 7.2 Produce dissemination products 7.3 Manage release of dissem. prod. 7.5 Manage user support 8 Archive 9 Evaluate 8.1 Define archive rules 8.4 Dispose of data & assoc. metadata 8.2 Manage archive repository 8.3 Preserve data & associated metadata 9.1 Gather evaluation inputs 9.2 Conduct evaluation 9.3 Agree action plan 1.6 Prepare business case 3.5 Test statistical business process 3.6 Finalize production system 5.6 Calculate weights 5.7 Calculate aggregates 5.8 Finalize data files Quality management / Metadata Management 2.2 Design variable descriptions
Reference document – ”SD’s METIS” –METIS: confirmed standard for official statistical production –Adopted by some of our peers –Translation of document –Approach for SD version –Testing the extent to which the model apply to SD –An ”SD METIS” would be a milestone for business process- and architectural maturity –Necessary to move ahead according to our corporate objective of increasing standardisation –Initial focus on phases 4-7
Agenda 1.Background and context 2.Working with business processes 3.An example of documentation 4.Results of process analysis 5.Metadata coverage 6.Lessons learned
Model/template for statistical business processes –METIS level (“which phases do we open”?) –Control-flow level (phases, input, output, time) –Functional level (”who does what, and in what order?”) –”AS-IS” and/or ”TO-BE” –BPMN: Standardized notation –Collect ideas and convert them into action (standardisation, efficiency and quality) –Form Workshop Facilitated by working group Ownership of results to the statistical team Needs a mandate!
Selection of pilot cases Social Statistics: –Population register –Student register (register updates) Business Statistics –General account statistics (SBS) –Employment in construction industries –Retail Trade Index –Industrial commodity statistic –Farm Structure Survey –Car register and associated statistics –Use of ICT in enterprises Economic Statistics –Consumer price index –Foreign trade in services Sales and Marketing –Interview task: Yearly survey on safety –Key figures in housing (standardized product from SDs Customer Services Centre) User Services –Data collection-processes/-systems (XIS, CEMOS)
Selection of cases in Business Statistics DimensionValuesCases Frequency- Short term vs. - Structural statistics - ECS - SBS Standardised system (if any) - Statistics in standardised systems vs. - Statistics in stand-alone systems - ECS - SBS Complexity- Simple vs. - Complex - RTI - SBS Type of Statistical Unit - Statistics based on SBR vs. - Statistics with other units - SBS - C-Reg Method for error detection - Micro-based error detection vs. - Macro-based error detection - SBS - ECS Coverage- Sample vs. - Cut-off vs. - Population - ECS - ICS - FSS Confidentiality scheme - Positive confidentiality vs. - Negative confidentiality - SBS - ICS Cost- Statistics with high cost vs. - Statistics with low cost - SBS - RTI Stability- Few changes by each iteration vs. - Many changes by each iteration - ECS - UIE Maturity- Well established statistic in SD - New statistic in SD - SBS - (RII) ”Type”- Primary statistic vs. - Derived statistic - ICS - C-Reg
Agenda 1.Background and context 2.Working with business processes 3.An example of documentation 4.Results of process analysis 5.Metadata coverage 6.Lessons learned
Example: METIS level
Example: Control flow level Trigger Phases Input Regulations Data etc. Output Intermediate Final Time
Example: Functional level Who does what Start condition End condition Note that…
Agenda 1.Background and context 2.Working with business processes 3.An example of documentation 4.Results of process analysis 5.Metadata coverage 6.Lessons learned
Results of process analysis (an overview) Focus on processes is useful and has immediate effect in some cases Improvements for statistical teams –Quality (documentation, new quality measures, etc.) –Standardisation (Use of standardised systems) –Efficiency (Eliminate manual processes) Improvements in communication –Many project managers regarding digitalisation –Coordinator function Improvements in efficiency for data collection –Focus on areas of responsibility Huge difference in degree of standardisation –Dissemination –Data collection –Data processing
Agenda 1.Background and context 2.Working with business processes 3.An example of documentation 4.Results of process analysis 5.Metadata coverage 6.Lessons learned
Metadata coverage
Dissemination phase is very well covered Although dissemination phase is covered by four different applications the overlap is very limited The vision for the future is to create a single metadata system The data model should be based on three data stages (raw data, micro data, macro data)
Metadata coverage
Agenda 1.Background and context 2.Working with business processes 3.An example of documentation 4.Results of process analysis 5.Metadata coverage 6.Lessons learned
Lessons learned Planning a strategy for further development is better using GSBPM Identify areas of interest for improvement initiatives. Major challenges regarding steps where data is processed Further standardization of methods is necessary A clearer view of the different need for metadata and documentation A better overview of the strong and the weak areas of our metadata applications