Presenters Science Assessment Updates Dawn Cope, Secondary Science Assessment Specialist Kara Monroe, Elementary Science Assessment Specialist Teaching and Learning Science Updates Ellen Ebert, Director of Science for Teaching and Learning
Science Assessment Updates Measurements of Student Progress, Grades 5 and 8 Biology End of Course Exam
Spring 2012 Results Test Overview Assessment Resources Available Test Development and Upcoming Events Topics
Spring 2012 Results
Statewide Results, MSP
Students at Each Performance Level, Grade 5 MSP
Students at Each Performance Level, Grade 8 MSP
Statewide Results, Biology EOC
Students at Each Performance Level, Biology EOC
Who Takes the Biology EOC? Graduation Requirements: Class of 2015 and Beyond o Must pass reading and writing HSPEs, 2 math and the biology EOC Winter (January/February) 2013 o 10th graders who took EOC as 9th graders in spring 2012 and did not meet standard o Students completing a biology course mid-year Spring 2013 o Any student (class of 2015+) enrolled in a high school level biology course o All 10th graders who have not yet met standard o Meets the high school science testing requirement of NCLB o 9th grade scores from 2012 were banked for NCLB
Alternatives for ELL and Spec Ed Biology EOC available in 6 translation languages o Spanish, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Somali IEP can designate Level 2 (Basic) to meet graduation requirement ES DAPE and MS DAPE begin fall 2013 For more information:
CAA Options Available for Biology EOC Start with students in class of 2015 (current 10 th graders) Collection of Evidence (COE) begins fall 2013 o Must take EOC twice before submitting a COE GPA comparison Advanced Placement (AP) score of 3 or higher: o Biology, Physics, Chemistry, or Environmental Sciences For more information:
State Report Cardhttp://
Test Overview
Align to Standards2011 aligned to new content standards Completion ItemsOperational in 2011; Worth 1 point Test Length Grade 5: Single session minutes* Grade 8: Single session minutes* *additional time needed for passing out materials and reading directions Test Window April 24 to May 16 for paper/pencil tests April 24 to May 31 for online tests Online Testing Voluntary in grades 5 and 8 in 2013 Tutorial videos and Online Tools Training available for practice Test Overview--MSP
Tutorial Videos Learn about the features of the test engine Non-interactive Installing test engine is not required to view Online Tools Training (OTT) Requires test engine installation on computer Interactive Practice using features of the test engine Versions A and Bversion B is new in 2013 OTT Lesson Plan Available for grade 5 Uses version A of OTT Flexible interaction for teachers and students Guidance for leading students through login and directions Suggestions for using specific features (tools) of the test engine with specific items Online Testing-MSP
EALR Percent of MSP 1: Systems (crossed with EALR 4 and alone) At least 20 2: Inquiry (crossed with EALR 4 and alone) 30 3: Application (crossed with EALR 4 and alone) 20 4: All domains of EALR 4 (alone) th and 8 th Grade Test Map
MSP Number and Types of Items Item TypeGrade 5Grade 8 Multiple Choice Completion1-6 Short Answer45 Total Items3035 Total Points3440 Pilot Items55
Test Overview--EOC Align to Standards2012 aligned to new content standards Completion ItemsOperational in 2012; Worth 1 point Test Window Winter-January 12 to February 8 Spring-May 6 to June 21 Locally determined schedule, during last 3 weeks of the course Test Length Three sessions: 50 minutes each OR Single session: about 150 minutes* *additional time needed for passing out materials and reading directions
Biology EOC Test Map EALR Percent of EOC 1: Systems (crossed with Life Science and alone) At least 15 2: Inquiry (crossed with Life Science and alone) 20 – 25 3: Application (crossed with Life Science and alone) 15 4: Life science domain of EALR 4 (alone) 45 – 50
Biology EOC Test Map Life Science Domain of EALR 4 Percent of EALR 4 Items Percent of EOC Points Processes in cells (LS1) Maintenance and stability of populations (LS2) Mechanisms of Evolution (LS3)
Biology EOC Number and Types of Items Item TypeBiology EOC Multiple Choice30-34 Completion1-5 Short Answer5 Total Items40 Total Points45 Pilot Items5
Assessment Resources Available
OSPI Resources
Science AssessmentEducator Resources
Updates for 2013
Short Answer Templates
31 Lessons Learned from Scoring
Lessons Learned – Systems Thinking 5 th Grade, 8 th Grade, and High School Define system, subsystem, input, and output Explain how a change to a part of the system might affect the entire system 8 th Grade and High School Define boundaries, and open and closed systems Explain how a change to an input of an open system might affect the entire system Make complete comparisons between models and systems and explain how those differences affect the behavior of the model High School Define positive and negative feedback Identify regulatory inputs and outputs of feedback systems Describe components, boundaries and flows within given systems Explain how systems function and interact with other systems Determine whether or not a given system is in equilibrium
Lessons Learned -- Application Thinking Science in the Real World5 th Grade (APPH), 8 th Grade (APPB), and High School (APPA) Scientists answer questions about the natural world and engineers solve problems to help people reach goals. Make connections between scientific concepts and how they are applied by people in various careers. Research & Explore Items8 th Grade and High School Be detailed in explaining scientific research to do or questions to pose which could help solve the problem. Plan & Test Items5 th Grade and 8 th Grade Include a scientific reason for a solution plan and describe an adequate scientific test that includes measurement(s).
Lessons Learned -- Application Thinking Test Solution ItemsHigh School Only Describe a method for testing both the solutions and the data needed to determine the effectiveness of each solution. Choosing a Solution Items –5 th Grade and 8 th Grade Give more than one reason for choosing a solution/design. Supply the scientific principle or property that results in a solution being successful. Criteria & Constraints ItemsHigh School Only Know that constraints are limitations imposed on possible solutions in the technological design process. Describe a constraint on a solution with an adequate description of the constraint that causes the solution not to work.
Released Item Documents (RID)
Test and Item Specifications
Test and Item Specifications--Vocabulary Items use language targeted at a readability level two-grade-levels below the tested grade, except for required scientific terms listed in the Vocabulary section of the Test and Item Specifications document. Grade 8Biology
38 Teacher Resource Tool
Test Development and Upcoming Events
Operational Scoring Items available for Operational Testing Data Review Committee Data Review Committee Pilot Scoring Pilot Range Finding Committee Pilot Range Finding Committee Scenario & Item Pilot Testing Scenario & Item Pilot Testing Science Assessment Development Cycle Scenario & Items Reviewed for Content & Bias/Sensitivity by Committees Scenario & Items reviewed for content by OSPI/contractor Scenario & Item Writing Committee Develop Test and Item Specifications Develop Test and Item Specifications Operational Range Finding
Upcoming Assessment Events DateEvent Jan/Feb 2013Biology EOC Exam Administration February 2013Scenario and Item Writing Workshop April 2013Content Review April/May 2013 MSP Administration May/June 2013 Biology EOC Exam Administration July 2013 Pilot Rangefinding Sept 2013Data Review
SALT and PEPPER Teams PEPPER PreSALTers Enthusiastically Promoting Powerful Educational Resources Members include science educators throughout Washington interested in receiving Science Assessment updates. Members receive invitations to participate in various events such as Scenario Writing Workshops, Content Reviews, Range Findings and Data Review. SALT Science Assessment Leadership Team PEPPERS who complete an application to participate in a science assessment event become members of SALT.
SALT Informationhttp://
Questions? Science Assessment Contact Information Cinda Parton, Director of Assessment Development Dawn Cope, Secondary Science Assessment Kara Monroe, Elementary Science Assessment Jessica Cole, Administrative Assistant Science Assessment Web Page
Teaching and Learning Science Updates Science Resources/Life Science Supports A K-12 Framework for Science Education Next Generation Science Standards Contact Information
Teaching and Learning Science Webpage 46
Life Science Learning Supports 47
Life Science Moodle Site Supports 48 Quick links to the Assessment website Each Life Science Content Standard presented with virtual supports Supports for Systems, Inquiry and Application Learning Standards Connections to the Elements of Effective Science Instruction Model Discussion Forum Teacher Created Resources Life Science Instructional Supports Tool Box
Learning Supports for Core Concepts 49
What can you do for students? Support student engagement in high quality, high pedagogy biology activities Support pedagogical activities that require students to inquire, write, reflect, design, collaborate, investigate and critique across all disciplines…
Plans for the year Update Moodle Developing learning supports for Middle School Examine Science Connections in the Common Core State Standards Professional Learning about the K- 12 Framework for Science Education Implementation plans for the NGSS
Communication 52 OSPI will host webinars to focus on end-of-course exam updates in biology, science standards, best practices in instruction, Next Generation Science Standards, and STEM education. Information about the webinars will be posted at: Standards.aspx Standards.aspx October 20, 2012WSTA Conference November 19, 20123:30 – 4:30 pm January 28, 20133:30 – 4:30 pm February 27, 20133:30 – 4:30 pm March 25, 20133:30 – 4:30 pm April 29, 20133:30 – 4:30 pm
Next Generation Science Standards Updates 53 Update on Washingtons work with the Next Generation Science Standards Development and public draft reviews. Please follow dates on our website, We are hopeful for a public draft release in December. Consider how Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will impact current teaching practices.
Contact Information Ellen Ebert, – Director, Teaching and Learning Science Gilda Wheeler, – Program Supervisor, Science and Sustainability Breanne Conley, – Administrative Support 54