Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) Michael Duffy
What is the Leaving Certificate Applied? It is a distinct, self-contained two year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life. It emphasises forms of achievement and excellence which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the past.
Rationale Prepares students for adult and working life Recognises talents of all pupils Promotes communication and decision- making skills Applies knowledge and skills to the solution of real problems
Who would benefit most? Students who are not adequately catered for by other Leaving Cert programmes Students who choose not to opt for those programmes
LCA Curriculum (2 Years, 4 Sessions) Vocational Preparation & Guidance English & Communications Mathematical Applications Information Technology Vocational Specialisms Arts Education Languages Leisure & Recreation Social Education Elective Modules
Do Leaving Certificate Applied students receive a Leaving Certificate? Yes. Students who successfully complete the programme will receive a Leaving Certificate from the State Examinations Commission. All credits awarded will be recorded on the Leaving Certificate Applied parchment.
Assessment Modules Requirement: 90% Attendance Evidence of completion of 4 key assignments for each module
Value of Credits Modules of non-examination courses have a value of two credits Modules of courses which have a final examination have a value of one credit Timing of assessment: At the end of each session (Approximately 11 modules per session)
Assessment Tasks Requirements: Evidence of task completion Individual task report Individual presentation of task at interview with external examiner (except Personal Reflection task)
Credit 1 Vocational Preparation task - 10 credits 2 Vocational Education tasks - 10 credits each 1 General Education Task - 10 credits 1 Personal Reflection task - 10 credits 1 Contemporary Issue task - 10 credits 1 Practical Achievement task - 10 credits
Assessment Final Examinations English and Communication 12 credits Oral plus Written, incorporating audio / visual Vocational Specialisms (2) 12 credits (each) Practical and written Languages (2) 6 credits each Oral plus Written incorporating aural Social Education 10 credits Written, incorporating audio tape Mathematical Applications 10 credits Written Total = 68 credits
Assessment 3 Modes of Assessment: Credits% 1. Satisfactory completion of Modules 62 31% 2. Seven Student Tasks 7035% 3. Final Examination 6834% Total200 credits100%
Certificate awarded at three levels: AwardMark (%)Credits Pass60 – – 139 Merit70 – – 169 Distinction