Optimist International1 District Conferences Governors-Elect
Optimist International2 Meetings & Conferences (6) Lieutenant Governor-Elect Presidents-Elect, Sec/Tres. 1st Quarter Conference 2nd Quarter Conference 3rd Quarter Conference District Convention
Optimist International3
4 Why Meet? What Do Club Attendees Want? Why Spend a Weekend at a Conference?
Optimist International5 Conference Objectives To Help Club Succeed Boost Spirit of Volunteer Fun, Fellowship & Food
Optimist International6 Organizing District Conferences Plan Promote Put it on
Optimist International7 Role of Governor Selecting Sites & Dates Negotiate Contracts with Conference & Convention Chair Determine Agendas Coordinate with Committees Registration, promotions, program, hospitality, handouts, etc. At the Conference Meet, Greet and show Appreciation Preside at Board
Optimist International8 Role of Conference & Convention Committee Chair Arrangements w/ Hotels Meeting Budgets Room Set-ups Sgt.-at-Arms Banners & Flags Meal Service Registration Welcome Optimists Fees & Nametags Agendas & Information Committee/Display Tables Entertainment Decoration Local Host (JOOI/Youth)
Optimist International9 Role of Leadership Development Committee Get the best training Help choose topics Get best Presenters Workshops Breakouts Roundtables
Optimist International10 Sample Conference Agendas Choose from agenda as a menu Something for everyone! All-the-time! Wide appeal topics for spouses Leave them “hungry” for more info Pump them up! Feel appreciated Time for interaction - Use the Hallways
Optimist International11 Sample Agenda Registration Hall of Optimism Friday Evening Executive Management Meeting Hospitality Room OIF Fund-raiser Saturday 9-Up-beat Session (all) 10-Roundtables & Breakouts (choose) 12-Lunch Program 2-Roundtables & Breakouts Board Business
Optimist International12 Agenda Notes Stay on Time! Starting late and running over shows disrespect for attendees and other presenters Friday nights are optional for Club Attendees Exec. Comm. In one room, Hospitality/Fun in another Promote as Optional Board Meeting in separate room Does not have appeal to all attendees, therefore should have an alternate room for officers
Optimist International13 Halls & Walls Hall of OptimismWall of Optimism Registration Table Coffee Break Area OI Merchandise Tables Committee Promotional Tables Winning C.P.A. & Scrapbooks CPA Winners Highlight a Project Local JOOI Youth Table Outside Vendors (fundraising)
Optimist International14 Teammate Activities District Tradition Incorporate into Agenda General Session (1-hr with Teammates) Breakout/roundtable topics of wide appeal History of the Area Palm Reading Demonstration Choosing Optimism Orientation for new member
Optimist International15 Kids Activities Most not done at Conference 1-day Convention at Resort (3-days) Crafts & Arts Zoos & Field Trips Singing Rehearsal Joint sessions singing
Optimist International16 District Conferences Governors-Elect