Topics Schedule of Grant Submission Budget Revisions Title I, Part A Set Asides (Earmarks) Application Revisions Carryover iGrant Revisions Combining Funds in Schoolwide Programs Time and Effort Interlocal Agreements CPR Issues SES and Choice
Title I, Part A Budget Revisions OSPI Bulletin Only submit one original per grant No limit to number of revisions May not be generated until original (or prior revision) has received final approval Should reflect what is actually expected Required when – Expenditures increase (e.g., carryover) – More than 10% change in direct expenditures within any activity total or object total – Wish to expend funds from a cell with no budget amount
Title I, Part A Set Asides OSPI Bulletin Required Set Asides (Section A, Page 3, iGrants) – Parent Involvement [1118(a)(3)] At least 1% if allocation more than $500,000 – Homeless [1113(c)(3)(A); 1115(b)(3)] Amount needed to serve homeless children who do not attend participating Title I schools – Neglected [1113(c)(3)(A); 1115(b)(3)] Amount needed for neglected children placed in the care of individuals or facilities by DSHS
Title I, Part A Set Asides Required Set Asides (Section A, Page 3, iGrants) Equitable Services to Private School Students of eligible, participating private schools Equitable services to students Equitable services to parents (parent involvement) Equitable services to teachers (professional development)
Title I, Part A Set Asides Required Set Asides with Schools in School Improvement Transportation for Public School Choice (Step 1 and above) and Supplemental Educational Services (Step 2 and above) [1116(b)(10)(A)] 20% of district allocation, unless all requests may be met with lesser amount Minimum 5% for transportation for public school choice, if needed Minimum 5% for supplemental educational services, if needed Remaining 10% for either or both
Title I, Part A Set Asides Required Set Asides with Schools in School Improvement Professional development to address cause of identification for school improvement [1116(3)(A)(iii)] 10% of building allocation May be part of district professional development set aside if district is in Step 1 or above of improvement
Title I, Part A Set Asides Required Set Asides with Districts in District Improvement – 10% of district allocation [1116(c)(7)(A)(iii)] Optional Set Asides – Reasonable and necessary administrative costs, includes indirect costs – Not more than 5% to provide incentives and rewards to teachers who work in Title I, Part A schools that are in improvement, corrective action or restructuring for the purpose of attracting and retaining qualified and effective teachers [1113(c)(4)]
Title I, Part A Set Asides Optional Set Asides Summer school and/or extended day programs Preschool On-going professional development for instructional staffcan be used to enable staff not meeting highly qualified to do so Additional parent involvement Private School Participation is not optional if the school chooses to participate; moved to required
Application Revisions May only be completed when application has received final approval Send iGrant requesting needed pages to be unlocked Provide brief reason for request Example: Revise SES and choice once all parental requests are received
CarryoverTitle I, Part A NCLB §1127 Less than $50,000No limit Over $50,00Limited to 15% of allocation May request waiver no more than once every three years if Request is reasonable and necessary or Supplemental appropriations become available
CarryoverLAP Limited to 10% of allocation amount No waiver provision
iGrant Revisions Title I, Part A Removed A1 (PD to meet highly qualified) Moved private schools to section A from D Removed LAP allocation from Public School Page Added comment box to Public and Private school pages
iGrant Revisions Title I, Part A Added building parent involvement plan assurance Some renumbering List assessments (rather than describe) Checklist for supplemental assistance District parent involvement policy boxes
iGrant Revisions Title I, Part A Individual private school information Where services provided (public or private school) Type of services (checkboxes) Basis of selection (drop down menu) Reason for differences, if any, between public and private schools
iGrant Revisions LAP Request three year trend analysis Checkboxes for elements of accelerated student learning plans (4) Added public school page for LAP allocations to buildings
iGrant Revisions End-of-Year ReportsLAP Added multicultural Added grade 12 Only one sectionRemoved targeted assistance and schoolwide sections
iGrant Revisions End-of-Year Reports Added multicultural Added questions for transportation for public school choice and supplemental educational services
Combining Funds in Schoolwide Programs NCLB § 1114 OSPI Bulletin Make sure all ten requirements are addressed in the written plan Particular attention to coordination and integration of federal, state and local services and programs [1114(b)(1)(J)] – Name of program combine – How will meet intents and purpose – Amount
ProgramAmount AvailableHow the intents and purposes of the program will be met Title I, Part A$76,000 After school program, additional in class assistance, and small group pull out, when needed, to reinforce grade level GLESs Basic EducationAll students receive instruction aligned to EALRs and GLEs Local Levy Title II, Part A Title II, Part D Carl Perkins Title IV, Part A Title V Total Combining Funds in Schoolwide Programs
Time and Effort OMB Circular A-87 Applies to all federal programs Needed for employees working on federal cost objectives for allowable costs Do not charge general government expenses Superintendents office Principals office Refer to allowable costs in Circular A-87, Attachment B
Time and Effort OMB Circular A-87 Two kinds Semi-annual certification Use when one cost activity/objective Conform to pay periods Complete at least twice per year After-the-fact (evidenced by dating) Signed by employee or immediate supervisor (could be both)
Time and Effort OMB Circular A-87 Monthly reports (Personal activity reports, PARs) Must be used when more than one cost objective/activity After-the-fact (Evidenced by dating) Conform to pay period Accounts for all time worked Supplemental contracts may be treated separately Must be signed by employee
Time and Effort OMB Circular A-87 Consider district policy/procedure to insure all staff are aware Make sure staff aware of what is done Especially if they do not sign Know vocabulary of time and effort terms Must reconcile budget to actual (time and effort reports) at least quarterly Make adjustment if over 10% variance Document evidence this is done
Interlocal Agreements Private Schools Pooling permitted using agreed upon criteria required under NCLB 1115(b), Guidance B-16 Interlocal agreement should address powers, rights, objectives, and responsibilities of contracting parties RCW including Duration Purpose(s)
Interlocal Agreements Private Schools How financed; how budget established and maintained Which district will be fiscal agent How districts will be charged Where funds will be coded When charges will occur What accounting for funds will be provided Timeframe for consultation and delivery of services Method of termination of agreement and disposal of property
Interlocal Agreements Private Schools Other issues, such as Who will determine eligibility of students Who will assess the students, assessment tools to be used Who will provide services to eligible students Where services will be provided How student performance will be measured Other as agreed upon
CPR Issues Title I, Part A Not all ten components of schoolwide programs District parent involvement policy contains all elements and is current Each building has a parent involvement policy/plan Rank order for targeted assistance buildings
CPR Issues LAP Trend analysis Eligibility of students Accelerated student learning plans contain all four elements
Federal Inspector General (IG) Workplan Fiscal controls in accounting for federal funds in districts Procurement Capital assets Small and attractive assets Lapsed funds Supplemental education service providers Title I, Part A comparability Title I, Part A fiscal requirements
Federal Inspector General (IG) Workplan Schoolwide Consolidating funds Schoolwide plans ESEA compliance requirements Unsafe school choice option SES choice option Migrant Education Reading First
Public School Choice: Step 1 Allows a parent to transfer their child out of a Title I, Part A school identified for school improvement into a school, served by the district, not identified for school improvement Districts are required to make choice available to all students in qualifying schools Option must be given to parents no later than the first day of the school year following identification [Section 1116(b)(1)(E)(i)]
Notification to Parents The notification must Explain what the school/district is doing to address the problems of low performance Inform parents that their child is eligible Identify each school parents can select Include information on the academic achievement of the schools that the parents may select Explain that services are free to the parents Explain how students become eligible Explain how the district will notify parents about enrollment dates and start dates Give information regarding who parents should contact with questions
Supplemental Educational Services Step 2 Supplemental educational services are additional academic instruction designed to increase the academic achievement of students in schools in need of improvement. These services must be consistent with the content and instruction used by the district. All low income students are eligible. If insufficient funds to serve all, prioritize by most academically at risk. [Section 1116(e)(12)(C)]
District Responsibilities A district must: Notify parents about the availability of services, at least annually [Section 1116(e)(2)(A)]. Help parents choose a provider, if requested [Section 1116(e)(2)(B)]. Determine which students should receive services if not all students can be served [Section 1116(e)(2)(C)]. Assist the SEA in identifying potential providers within the district [Section 1116(e)(4)(A)]). Protect the privacy of students who receive supplemental educational services [Section 1116(e)(2)(D)].
Contents of the Notice This notice must: Identify each approved service provider within the district or in its general geographic location [Section 1116(e)(2)(A)(ii)]. The notice should also identify providers that are accessible through technology, such as distance learning. Describe the services, qualifications and evidence of effectiveness for each provider [Section 1116(e)(2)(A)(iii)]. Describe the procedures and timelines that parents must follow in selecting a provider to serve their child [Section 1116(e)(2)(A)(i)]. Be easily understandable, in a uniform format, including alternate formats upon request, and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand [Section 1116(e)(2)(A)].
Eligible Students Eligible students are all students from low-income families who attend Title I schools that are in their second year of school improvement, in corrective action, or in restructuring. In either a schoolwide or a targeted assistance program, all low-income students are eligible. If sufficient funds are not available to serve all eligible children, a district must give priority to the lowest- achieving eligible students (See A-5 of the Supplemental Educational Services Guidance) [Section 1116(b)(10)(C)].
District Improvement The plan must be developed or revised no later than three months after the district has been informed of AYP standing Parents, teachers, principal, outside experts and district staff must be active members in the development or revision The School Improvement Plan must: Cover three years Define district and school responsibilities Focus on research based curriculum and instructional practices Adopt practices that ensure that all students meet standard Establish measurable goals that address specific reasons why the school did not meet state standards Set aside 10% of Title I funds for professional development Describe the process used to provide written notice to parents about the schools AYP standings Describe how the school will promote effective parent engagement Describe opportunities that may be available to students before school, after school, during the summer, and/or any extension of the school year Describe the district approved process of the schools improvement plan Title I Final Regulation – Section
District Improvement Plan Address professional development needs of the instructional staff (10% of the state Title I annual allocation) May include funds reserved by schools in improvement for professional development. May not include funds reserved for professional under section 1119 of ESEA. Include specific measurable achievement goals and targets for each of the groups of students identified in AYP; and that are consistent with AYP requirements.
Sec Corrective Action The state may also implement a system of corrective action consistent with state law: Continue to make available technical assistance Take at least one of the following actions Defer program funds Require curriculum based on state standards and require staff to participate in professional development Replace personnel Remove schools from the districts jurisdiction Appoint administrators to replace district superintendent and school board Restructure district Continue to provide Public School Choice
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Lists the number for each federal grant ESEA grants may be located at T_PROGRAM_TXT.SHOW?p_arg_names=func_cat_cd&p _arg_values=GD Or go to and work through the prompts for agency (Education) and area (Elementary and Secondary Education) Click on type for allowability, eligibility, cost sharing, administrative and reporting requirements by grant
New Non Regulatory Guidance Title I Fiscal Issues Maintenance of Effort Comparability Supplement, Not Supplant Carryover Consolidating Funds in Schoolwide Programs Grantback Requirements Available at US Department of Education, Revised February 2008
Title I, Part A/LAP Contacts Gayle Pauley, Director, Program Supervisors Administrative Support