Service Provider Introduction
Presentation Goals Overview of CareLike Profiling – what is it and how will it help my business? Live Demo Profiling Tips Help & Support Tools 2 Agenda
CareLike… We are an information technology company that is the leading provider network manager meeting the needs of caregivers and their dependents. Collects, standardizes, and distributes national provider databases to trusted referral sources such as: Non-profit organizations Health insurance plans Long term care insurers Large commercial websites CareLike… We are an information technology company that is the leading provider network manager meeting the needs of caregivers and their dependents. Collects, standardizes, and distributes national provider databases to trusted referral sources such as: Non-profit organizations Health insurance plans Long term care insurers Large commercial websites 3 Search Nearby Available Places & Professionals
CareLike’s National Provider Network 4 250,000+ Local Resource Providers Home Care Geriatric Care Managers Independent Living Alzheimer’s Chapters DME Home Health Senior Real Estate Agents Elder Law Attorneys Assisted Living Case Managers Alzheimer’s Care Certified Senior Advisors Area Agencies on Aging Hospitals Residential Care Homes Move Managers CCRCs Adult Day Care Home Monitoring Medicare / Private Nursing Homes ADRCs Hospice Note: Coverage area includes all five U.S. territories Public & Private Local Resources
5 The Company We Keep
Profiling: A simple way to capture information about your business What are the benefits of creating and updating a CareLike Profile? National presence with local office information Visibility! 1 profile feeds multiple websites and call center applications 6 Types of Information in your profile basic contact details services you offer your service territory basic financial information descriptive information about your business hours of operation CareLike Profiling
7 Who uses the data? non-profit organizations healthplans government agencies long term care insurers large commercial websites **not available to the general public on our website** How much does it cost? NOTHING How long will it take? 15 MINUTES on average Details, Details, Details
8 Steps to Profiling Step 1: Register & Claim your Business Step 2: Update/Complete your Profile Step 3: Review a Summary of your Profile
9 An example of what a completed profile looks like Profile Sample
SERVICE AREA – if you are a service provider that goes out to visit your clients 10 SERVICE OFFERING ADDRESS On the “Contact Info” page Critical Fields
11 Send a question or feedback to the CareLike support team by clicking on the green “Help” flag on the right hand side of the screen Other Support Tools located on the Help tab Profiling quick start guide Get concise instructions about how to profile FAQ’s Answers to commonly asked questions Glossary Helps to define service types and provider terms Help and Support Options
If I claimed my business listing but never saw an update approving my request, what should I do? I own more than 1 business and they operate out of the same office, can I profile just one time? I filled out my profile but I don’t see it on your website. Why not? What kind of referral volume should I expect? What are the most important data fields? 12 FAQs
Thank YOU! 13 Thank You!