WELCOME TO SECOND GRADE Mrs. Bennett Ms. Castelow Mrs. Cummings Mrs. Friel Mrs. Leitzke Sra. Miller Mrs. Newmark Ms. Reale Ms. Ritchie Mrs. Taylor/Mrs. Knox
LANGUAGE ARTS MC-GRAW HILL READING PROGRAM FOUR BLOCKS MODEL GUIDED READING BLOCK Reading comprehension skills – help readers make sense of print Reading fluency – the smoothness with which we read text WRITING BLOCK – see 6 Traits writing rubric Learn about the writing process Grammar Mechanics of good writing WORKING WITH WORDS BLOCK Explore words, word families, phonics, spelling Word Wall (approx. 5 new words a week)
SELF-SELECTED READING During this block, students will have the opportunity to read books at their own independent reading level. Accelerated Reader Program 1. Students independently read books at their level. 2. Students quiz on the computer. *Students earn points based upon the results of their quiz…very motivational for students! 3.A report of your child’s progress will be send home every 2 weeks – attached to his/her Friday report. 4.Incentives
MATH Addition/subtraction facts to 20 Even/odd numbers Number sentences Skip counting Graphing Linear measurement Time Geometric shapes Mixed coins (to a dollar) Fractions Problem solving Regrouping
FASTT Math Fluency & Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with Technology Math facts practice on the computer Begin with addition 2 – 3 times per week Reports will come home every other week
SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES TOPICS Civics Economics Geography History SCIENCE TOPICS Soils Balance & Weighing Insects
HOMEWORK POLICY As part of your child’s daily homework, he/she is to read for a minimum of 10 minutes each night - log Words homework - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (study for quiz, Friday – Working With Words Sentence Dictation quiz. Math homework will be assigned twice a week. Any other homework assignments will be recorded in agenda book. Homework Folder should be returned to school daily/checked daily for newsletters/homework/flyers. **Please use agenda book for communication**
FRIDAY REPORT A weekly progress report will be included in your child’s Homework Folder. Please sign this report and have your child return his/her Friday Report to school the following Monday. Questions/comments can be noted on this progress report.
FIELD TRIPS Agriculture Museum Philadelphia Zoo Coverdale Farms Possibly more
TALENT DEVELOPMENT 2 nd & 3 rd grade students are mixed in their courses Tuesdays – 2:25 – 3:25 2 – 8 week sessions where your child will be exploring a talent of their choice 1 – 9 week in-depth study of one of their first sessions with a showcase in late May
CLASSROOM (BME) EXPECTATIONS Students are well aware of the classroom/school expectations. Be responsible Be respectful Be ready
PARENTS + TEACHERS = STUDENT SUCCESS !! We are very excited to work together with you this year to make your child’s 2 nd grade educational experience a memorable one! Please, at any time, feel free to contact us to discuss your child’s progress.
Thank you very much for coming tonight!! Please sign in so we know you were here!