Welcome To Back To School Night Second Grade Mrs. Billig Mrs. Craig Mrs. Loomis Mrs. Lowe Mr. Wainwright
Our Daily Schedule 9:10 – 9:25 Morning Routines 9:30 – 10:45 Reading Workshop \Whole Group Reading \Guided Reading Groups \Word Study 10:45 – 11:30 Writing Workshop 11:30 – 12:55 Math Switch 12:55 – 1:45 Lunch and Recess 1:45 – 2:30 Science/Social Studies 2:30 – 3:20 Specials (or extended Science/Social Studies) 3:20 – 3:27 Afternoon Routine and Dismissal Working Snack
Critical Thinking / Academic Success Skills 1 st Quarter Fluency: generating multiple responses to a problem or an idea Generate ideas using multiple strategies Ask questions in a variety of ways Collaboration: working effectively and respectfully to reach a group goal. Demonstrate teamwork by working productively with others Define and identify steps to reach a group goal Identify and analyze options for sharing responsibility to reach a group goal. Demonstrate the characteristics of both a group leader and a group member
Reading Goal Goal: Students will develop the knowledge and skills essential to becoming literate, thoughtful communicators, capable of controlling language effectively by: Strategically reading literary and informational instructional-leveled texts with fluency, purpose, and comprehension Using skills and strategies widely as tools for learning and reflection Understanding and appreciating language and literature as catalysts for deep thought and emotion
Reading: 1 st Quarter Literacy Routines Literary Text: Ask / Answer questions, Story structure, Story elements, Character’s response to events/challenges, Compare/Contrast versions of the same story, Character’s point of view, Meaning of text, Jr. Great Books shared inquiry Informational Text: Ask / Answer questions, Main topic, Text Features, Clarify Images, Compare Texts, author’s reasons Vocabulary Phonics, Word Recognition, Reading Fluency
Writing Goal Goal: Students will develop the knowledge and skills essential to becoming literate, thoughtful communicators, capable of controlling language effectively by: Composing narrative, informative/explanatory, and opinion tests as tools for learning and reflection Conducting research and writing projects for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences Evaluating relevant information from print and digital sources and using a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing
Writing: 1 st Quarter \ Workshop routines \ Narrative writing \ Informative/explanatory writing o Sentence fluency, organization, introduce topic, develop points \ Opinion Writing \ Language o Adverbs, expand and rearrange sentences, spelling patterns, capitalization \ Speaking and listening o Recount an experience
Reading / Writing Assessments PRA- Primary Reading Assessment given 3 times a year STAR- given multiple times throughout the year DOL- weekly quizzes on language skills Spelling = Bi-weekly tests Focused patterns / sounds (10 words) Word Wall Words (5 words) Writing Samples – ongoing Terra Nova 2 (TN2) – April 26 th -April 30th
Math Goal Students will develop the knowledge and skills essential to achieving mathematical proficiency by: Developing both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency Thinking and reasoning mathematically Using mathematics to solve problems in authentic contexts
Math: 1 st Quarter Math routines Counting within 1,000 Place Value o Hundreds, tens, and ones Numerals to 1,000 Expanded form Comparison of 3-digit numbers o, = Addition and subtraction situations with unknown in all positions within 100 Categorical data o Bar graphs and picture graphs Mental strategies o Sums to 20
How will we differentiate and enrich our instruction? U-CARE
What does U-CARE look like?
Math Assessments Teacher Observation Exit Cards Formative Assessments To be signed and returned Kept in Data Notebooks Math Facts in a Flash Computerized Basic Facts Program MAP-P Computerized Math Assessment = 3 times/year
Science/Engineering Goal Students will develop the knowledge and skills essential to becoming literate in science, technology, and engineering by: Thinking critically, solving problems, and communicating effectively Tackling ever more challenging issues Seeking understanding to support solutions
Science: 1 st Quarter Description of Earth materials o Properties of rocks, soil, and water Description of Earth’s surface and atmosphere o Water o Natural features of continents and the ocean floor Field Trip next week to Croydon Creek.
Social Studies Goal Students will develop the knowledge and skills essential to developing a balanced and integrated understanding of systems of culture, economics, geography, and politics and the history of their development by: Applying concepts and knowledge of the past to problem-solving real-world issues of the present Critically examining human interactions and evaluating their role as an effective citizen Communicating social studies concepts clearly in multiple formats and putting theory into practice as a citizen
Social Studies: 1 st Quarter Relationships among rights, responsibilities, and democratic ideas Effective social interactions Multiple perspectives: conflict and compromise Organizations and leaders help the community Democratic skills and attitudes Effects of personal choices Field Trip in Nov. to Woodlawn Manor.
Grading and Reporting MCPS uses a grading program that is standards based. Grades reflect what students know and are able to do in relation to grade-level expectations. Grades are based on multiple measures over time. Learning is evaluated using varied tasks/assignments such as tests, projects, reports, teacher observation, and discussions. Grades are given for achievement and not effort. Effort is graded in the Work Study section of the report card
Grading Rubric Complete Understanding O utstanding 4 General Understanding S atisfactory 3 Developing Understanding N eeds improvement 2 Minimal Understanding 1 4’s and 3’s are proficient with meeting the standard 1’s and 2’s are not proficient with meeting the standard and additional support/practice is needed. (Check this over)
Behavior \ Cooperation \ Rules and Procedures \Self-Control Learning Skills Learning skills are reported separately from academic grades. Grade 2 learning skills include... Learning Skills Rubric I – Students do the skill Independently L – Students do the skill with Limited prompting F – Students need Frequent prompting with the skill R – Students Rarely perform the skill Effort \Classwork and homework completion \Engages in learning tasks
Baldrige and Data Everyone at Sherwood is involved in the Baldrige process. It’s a system for monitoring continual improvement and putting the power of learning in the students’ hands. You may hear them speak about their tools, like plus/delta charts, graphs, issue bins, town rules... Students are in charge of their data notebooks and monitor their progress. The data notebooks will be sent home with each interim and report card. We may send them home on a more regular basis. You will keep them at the end of the year. Data Notebooks
\Your child should complete homework in about 30 minutes. Daily reading of 20 minutes should occur outside of homework time. \Homework is for practice and is not part of the academic grade. \Homework is reported on the report card as a learning skill and is scored for completion. \Parents and students will be notified when the homework will be a graded assignment that counts toward the academic grade. \Homework is due the next day after a single day absence. For multiple day absences a schedule will be worked out with the teacher. Homework will not be provided ahead of time. Homework
Homework Folder \The homework folder goes home EVERY NIGHT! \Homework folders contain homework and/or papers for parents to look over. Unless indicated, remove checked papers. \Please make sure you look through the folder every night with your child. \It is your responsibility to help your child remain organized.
Assignment Book \Students record their assignments EVERY DAY! \Students will write “none” if no homework is assigned \Please look over and SIGN the assignment book every night, when the homework has been completed. The assignment book is a great communication tool! Feel free to write a note.
Birthday Club In second grade we celebrate birthdays with a monthly Birthday Club on THURSDAYS. A letter with dates has already been sent home. Birthday club is a brief celebration of all the birthdays during that month. There are not individual celebrations of birthdays. Parents of students celebrating a birthday during the month will provide snacks for the birthday club. You will receive a reminder about Birthday Club at the beginning of your month.
Curriculum 2.0 Information Grading and Reporting Information Online Resources Reading Support / Games Math Support / Games Math Facts in a Flash CD – available from the front office
Thank you for coming! Together we will make a great impact on your child's education! Thank you for coming!