© 2011 wheresjenny.com Minutes of meeting
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Meeting minutes are the written or recorded documentation that is used to inform attendees and non- attendees of the happenings during the meeting. Minutes usually include: Names of the participants The agenda items covered Decisions made by the participants The committed follow-up actions & due dates
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Amendment A proposal to alter a motion by adding or deleting words Quorum The minimum number of persons who must be in attendance to constitute a meeting Ad hoc Appointed to carry out one particular piece of work Adjournment Postponing the meeting because of lack of time or as further discussion needs to happen later Motion A question or a proposal – which when passed (approved) becomes a resolution.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Sample Meeting Minutes DATE Attendees Present: Absent: Approval of Minutes:Motion, Vote, Resolved. Reports E.g. - Treasurer's report Given by ______ Management report given by_____ Association’s records. Collections report. Business: Normally includes motions, votes & resolutions. Meeting adjourned at ________
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Steps: 1) Bring a notebook or laptop with you 2) distribute a single piece of paper formatted for names and contact information before the meeting. 3) Write down the time the meeting begins. 4) Read the agenda 5) Read the Draft Minutes from the previous meeting 6) Record any old business remaining from previous meetings
© 2011 wheresjenny.com 7) Record new business. 8) Note who makes motions, seconds motions, and whether or not they passed or failed. 9) Note what time the meeting adjourned 10) Leave out unimportant details 11) Type up the minutes 12) Distribute your draft
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Minutes, also known as protocols or, informally, notes, are the instant written record of a meeting.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Activity Lets write the minutes for this session as a practice keeping in mind the sample meeting minutes & the steps for writing the minutes as discussed earlier.