Computers BY ASHLEY
How to use a computer ? Computer screen Key board mouse Hard drive wires GoGo back to homeback to home
When it was invented ? the computer was invented in 1856 by charles babbage! GoGo back to homeback tohome
HOW IT HAS AFFECTED OUR LIVES ? The computer has changed the modern lives of many people. It is very common for a household to at least have one computer. computers are essential tools that helps you in the day. Also, computer comes in various sizes and has many different types of applications. Computers can affect ones daily tasks at times. Go back to home
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS ? The benefits are easier reasearch, better gaming, it's easier to comunicate with, it makes business better, it makes it easier to shop. Go back to home
WHAT DO WE USE A COMPUTER FOR ? Internet Facebook Twitter Games Business Buying stuff msn END SLIDE