Writing Workshop for ECS 15 Melissa Bender WAC Consultant University Writing Program
Term paper components Prospectus (1-2 pages) Progress Report (2-3 pages) Draft (2 + pages) Revised Paper (9+ pages)
Analyze the assignment Highlight the assignment Note stages & requirements The better you complete each stage, the more useful feedback you will get.
Writing process: draft & revision Draft = explore & discover Re-vision = evaluate & make changes at the “global” level Editing = make “local” changes Proofreading = make “micro-local” changes (checking for errror)
Turn off the inner critic (temporarily) Take risks Focus on developing ideas Don’t interrupt thinking to edit Use writing as tool for inquiry
Requirements Select a topic on the use of computers that relates to your major or a field that interests you. Write a 2500 word term paper.
Narrowing the field of possibility What are the parameters? A limited amount of research Authority derived from your own experience/education A limited amount of words (2500)
Three topic development stages Interest Area Focus Area Research question
Interest area: computers in education Focus by discipline
Interest area: computers in education Focus by discipline Focus by students, e.g. K-12 or college Focus by potential teaching techniques Focus on specific effects
Interest area: computer crime
Focus by specific crimes, e.g. identity theft, damage to software (viruses, worms, hacking) Focus by perpetrator of the crime Focus by motivations for crime Focus on specific techniques
Interest area: computers and business
Focus by type of business, e.g., banks, retail, large corporations, e- commerce Focus by functions
Develop a research question Topic Area:Computers and education Focus Area:University level Research Question:How have computer-aided classrooms changed the student/instructor relationship?
Focusing exercise Pair up with someone in class. Explain a topic that interests you and why (2 minutes) Write 3-5 questions that interest you about this topic. Try to state them as how or why questions Pick one and write 3 sub-questions (5 minutes) In pairs, explain the focused topic (2 minutes)
Required components Intro: explains the problem or question Describe the topic: present research results in detail Discussion or analysis Answer the analytic question you posed Conclusion: summarize main points & maybe go beyond: explain significance
Research process Look for recent academic articles (more recent research than books) Look for a review of the literature: synthesis of findings on a topic Assess the validity of sources Base all opinions on valid research as evidence
Research help Computer Science Research database Phoebe Ayers, Computer Science subject librarian at the PSE Library:
Integrating material from sources When to quote? Infrequently Only when exact words are necessary to your argument If you quote, make it as brief as possible
References Cite sources in text in APA format Bibliography or Works Cited TIPS: Keep track of sources as you research and write Distinguish quotes from paraphrases in your notes and drafts