CCSSO State Consortium on Educator Effectiveness May 15, 2012 Toward the Summit of Educator Effectiveness: Which way from here?
Webinar Logistics Everyone is muted Use the chat function to make a comment or ask a question You may chat privately with individuals on your team If you have problems, you may send William Bentgen a message via the chat function or an at
Poll: Did you attend the Summit? a)I did not attend the Summit b)I attended the Summit—11 respondents c)Between 2 and 4 of us in the room with me right now attended the Summit d)5 or more of us in the room with me right now attended the Summit—2 respondents
Key Participants Educators in Residence, CCSSO Mary-Dean Barringer Holly Boffy Terry Janicki
Webinar Goal Looking back… Recapping the Summit Reviewing progress in Examining a topic closely… Non-Tested Grades and Subjects in Evaluation Taking a 30,000 foot view…. Alignment and Coherence in the Context of Complexity
Looking back…
Presenter Janice Poda Strategic Initiative Director, Education Workforce, CCSSO
State Teams 25 State Teams 18 Business Partners 22 Association Partners 28 Facilitators
Data Collected Progress Reports State Theories of Action Action Plans Summit evaluations
Highlights Michelle Shearer, 2011 National Teacher of the Year State team work Content workshops that were hands-on or how-to Reception at the Space Needle
Progress During Past Year In the past year, how much progress do you think your state has made in creating and implementing a comprehensive and coherent educator effectiveness system?
Percentage of Work Left to Accomplish What percentage of the work do you think your state STILL HAS TO COMPLETE to have a well-planned and implemented comprehensive and coherent system of educator effectiveness by 2014?
Biggest Challenge in Upcoming Year Volume of work and number of people available to do it Communication Clarity, establishing a compelling vision/compelling narrative about quality learning for [our state’s] kids and educators Breaking silos and creating and maintaining a cohesive system of educator effectiveness The legislative environment … threatens the progress we have made on reform
Biggest Challenge in Upcoming Year, cont. Identification of multiple measures of teacher and administrator competencies Developing training for the teacher evaluation system and piloting teacher and administrator evaluation model systems Integrating evaluation with professional learning and job-embedded pd Reviewing our systems of educator preparation
Preparation for Entry into the Profession Priority for CCSSO Priority for many of your states
Preparation for Entry into the Profession How urgent do you feel the need is to revise the requirements for entry into the profession for teachers?
Leadership Preparation How urgent do you feel the need is to revise the requirements for entry into leadership positions?
Upcoming Events Related to Entry into the Profession Presentation at Student Assessment Conference June 29 Task Force Meeting July (TBA)Meeting of Expert Group AugustTopical Meeting September Conference Call or Face-to-Face Meeting of Task Force Annual Policy Forum November
Task Force Meeting (July) Draft principles for entry into education profession Draft definitions of classroom ready and leadership ready Draft sample policies Initial licensure/ certification Program approval Data reporting Update on Title II, HEA
Requests from SCEE Participants More coordination from CCSSO between Common Core and Educator Effectiveness (e.g., joint meetings) More interaction with NCSL Convene association partners to address work collectively More “how to” sessions and fewer speakers Others…?
Questions and/or Comments
Examining a topic closely… Non-Tested Grades and Subjects (NTGS)
Non-Tested Grades and Subjects (NTGS) Holly Boffy Educator in Residence, SCEE At the request of member states, SCEE convened a NTGS Task Force at the Summit We realized that many of us are using different terminology for the same work Onsite, Delaware shared their approach and lessons learned
NTGS Diane Donohue Special Assistant for Educator Effectiveness, Delaware
The DPAS II Component 5 Implementation Overview Educator Groups Measure A – DCAS – percent proficient or growth Measure B – Internal and/or External Measures Measure C – Growth Goals Group 1: DCAS teachers (3-10 Reading and/or Math) 50% Group 2: Non- DCAS Content/Subject teachers who report student grades 50% Group 3: Non- Content/Subject educators who do NOT report student grades 100%
NTGS Challenge Challenge—measurement of student achievement and growth that: Measures higher-order learning Is comparable across classrooms Is valid and reliable Is cost appropriate Contributes to improvement (Other?)
NTGS Possible ways to achieve the goal Vendor-developed/scored standardized exams State-developed/scored standardized exams Locally-developed/scored standardized exams Performance rubrics/scored by panels A mix of the above … and more?
NTGS What can states do together? Shared definitions Test item pools Rubrics/tasks Reviewers (electronically) Other?
Questions and/or Comments
Taking a 30,000 foot view… Framing the Educator Effectiveness Agenda and Implementing the Work: Coherence, alignment, and transformation in the context of complexity
Alignment, Coherence, Complexity, and Transformation Janice Goldsberry Acting SCEE Team Lead, Maine Curriculum Director, Sanford School Department, Sanford, ME
Alignment and Coherence in the Context of Complexity Challenge articulated in ME’s DRAFT Action Plan Address issues around cohesiveness in the system and how to get agreement among key stakeholders groups around the theory of action. Build culture of trust continuous learning and support. We need to address local control issues, get buy-in by school boards and superintendents. Urgent need to identify the groups and a meaningful way to communicate with these groups.
Questions and/or Comments
Follow-up Summit presentations and handouts are currently on the on collaboration sitecollaboration site Video of plenary sessions and two content workshops will be posted next week Please post your action plans!post your action plans We will be in touch with SCEE Team Leads
Upcoming Webinars June 12 — Principal Pipeline July 10 — TBA, based on today’s webinar and follow- up surveys 2:00 to 3:00 pm Webinar 3:00 to 3:30 pm Chat (All times EDT)
Thank you