TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING COMPACT 1969 Compact: California and Nevada, with approval of Congress, naming TRPA as the regional planning agency for Lake Tahoe Region Compact: Amendment requiring adoption of environmental threshold standards and an implementing regional plan; provides for orderly growth and development consistent with the standards.
TRPA RESPONSIBILITIES Tahoe Regional Planning Compact Tahoe Regional Planning Compact Other Statutes: CWA, MPO, etc. Environmental Thresholds Environmental Thresholds Federal/State/Local AQS, WQS Federal/State/Local AQS, WQS GOALS & POLICIES CODE OF ORDINANCES 208 Plan, PAS, RTP GOALS & POLICIES CODE OF ORDINANCES 208 Plan, PAS, RTP ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SVCS. Threshold Evaluation Reports Threshold Evaluation Reports ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING & EVALUATION Statutes Standards Plan Elements Evaluation Implementation
TRPA/TMPO/RTPA GOVERNING BOARD Exec. Director Agency Counsel APC ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING AND EVALUATION PATHWAY 2007 (3-YEAR TERM) STAFF RESOURCES Pool APool BPool C Pool D Admin Pool FinanceHR ITOperations ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Dep. Exec. Director Agency Operations Dep. Exec. Director Program Development Threshold Teams & TMPO/RTPA Administration Communications & Customer Service Team
Environmental Review Services Review permit applications for consistency with the Regional Plan Inspect projects for permit compliance Administer MOUs & Delegations Administer Land Capability Program Administer Project Securities Program Public Assistance
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT Update EIP Develop EIP Finance Plan Facilitate EIP implementation Program/project management oversight Administer forest health, motorized watercraft, and BMP retrofit programs Facilitate transportation project implementation
PLANNING & EVALUATION MONITORING PROGRAM Provides feedback on threshold attainment progress Provides direction for necessary regulatory or EIP adjustments Evaluates validity of regional plan and threshold standards Lake Clarity History
Planning & Evaluation Update Regional Plan (Pathway 2007) –Water quality planning (208 Plan) –Air quality planning (AQP) –Transportation planning (RTP) Conduct Threshold Monitoring/Evaluations Coordinate region-wide planning activities Administer all MPO and RTPA functions
TRPA BUDGET – Revenues Multiple revenue sources State budget request formula: 1/3 Nevada, 2/3 California Nevada/California contributions = 40.3% Grants, application fees, other contributions = 59.7% FY05-06 budget = $13.5 million
TRPA BUDGET – Expenses Expenditures –Salaries and benefits (45.3%) –Contract Services (37.0%) –Equipment/Supplies (17.7%) Where the Money Goes
SPECIAL REVENUES – Grants Grounded in mandate to meet standards in other laws (CWA, CAA, etc.) EIP Grant –Bureau of Reclamation –Forest Fuels –WINS Grant Erosion Control Grant –5 Grants –Water Quality BMP Program SNPLMA Grants
SPECIAL REVENUES – Fees & Interest Permit Application Fees –Cost Recovery –Additional Staff / Customer Service Environmental Mitigation Fees –Air Quality –Water Quality –Excess Coverage –SEZ Restoration
SPECIAL REVENUES – Fines / Forfeitures Violation Settlements & Court Judgements Science Advisory Group & Tahoe-related Studies Environmental Education Activities
TRANSPORTATION – 9 Grants & General Funds Federal Grants –Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) –SNPLMA –Federal Transit Administration (FTA) State Grants –Transportation Development Act (CA) State Appropriations
EIP Program Funding 1997: EIP Proposed Private Sector Local Gov’t State of California State of Nevada Federal Gov’t Allocations ($ millions) $152.7$101$275.1$82$297.2 Total $908 million
EIP Program Funding 2001 Update: EIP Funding* Category and OutTotal Capital Projects $908$417$1,325 Science$57$1$58 Programs & TA $11**$11 Operations & Maintenance $23$61$84 Total$999$479$1,478 (*) Figures are in millions of dollars (**) Articulation of these needs is in progress