Atoms Posters
All atoms contain equal number of 1.Protons 2.Electrons NEUTRON: Slightly bigger than proton…no charge…all same size PROTON : 2000 time larger than an electron… positively charged…found in nucleus with neutron ELECTRON :Found in cloud outside of nucleus… smallest particle…negatively charged Ions= Atomic Charge Atomic Number(Number of protons and electrons) Atomic Symbol IsotopesIsotopes: If an element has an extra NEUTRON it is called an Isotope. Ex… Lithium-7 has 3 P+ but 4 Neutrons IsotopesIsotopes: If an element has an extra NEUTRON it is called an Isotope. Ex… Lithium-7 has 3 P+ but 4 Neutrons
Periodic Table Atomic Number(Number of protons and electrons) Atomic Name Groups: Vertical Rows Each group has the same number of outer electrons Groups: Vertical Rows Each group has the same number of outer electrons Periods: Horizontal rows # of protons increases from Left to right along rows Periods: Horizontal rows # of protons increases from Left to right along rows IsotopesIsotopes: If an element has an extra NEUTRON it is called an Isotope. Ex… Lithium-8 has 3 P+ but 5 Neutrons IsotopesIsotopes: If an element has an extra NEUTRON it is called an Isotope. Ex… Lithium-8 has 3 P+ but 5 Neutrons ElementAtomic Number # of Protons # of Electrons# of neutronsAtomic MassGroup #Period #Outer e-’s Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon
ElementAtomic Number # of Proto ns # of Electrons # of neutrons Atomic MassGroup # Period #Outer e-’s Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon ElementAtomic Number # of Proto ns # of Electrons # of neutrons Atomic MassGroup # Period #Outer e-’s Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon ElementAtomic Number # of Proto ns # of Electrons # of neutrons Atomic MassGroup # Period #Outer e-’s Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon ElementAtomic Number # of Proto ns # of Electrons # of neutrons Atomic MassGroup # Period #Outer e-’s Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon