Please do not write on this document. Thank you. Atomic Radius Data Element Name Atomic Number Atomic Radius (pm) Height of Straws (cm) H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Element Name Atomic Number Atomic Radius (pm) Height of Straws (cm) Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Dimensional Representation of the Periodic Trends [25 min] Using the data provided to your group, create a 3-dimensional model that represents the trend that you have been assigned using straws. 1.One person measure and marks lengths on the straws. Lengths of straws are given in the right-most column of the table provided. 2.One person cuts the straws to the appropriate lengths. 3.One person glues the straws to the appropriate element in the periodic table. 4.One person labels the elements (writing on the straws or the periodic table). 5.Label the periodic table with an appropriate title (e.g. “3D Representation of the Trend in Atomic Radius”)
Please do not write on this document. Thank you. Ionization Energy Data 3-Dimensional Representation of the Periodic Trends [25 min] Using the data provided to your group, create a 3-dimensional model that represents the trend that you have been assigned using straws. 1.One person measure and marks lengths on the straws. Lengths of straws are given in the right-most column of the table provided. 2.One person cuts the straws to the appropriate lengths. 3.One person glues the straws to the appropriate element in the periodic table. 4.One person labels the elements (writing on the straws or the periodic table). 5.Label the periodic table with an appropriate title (e.g. “3D Representation of the Trend in Atomic Radius”) Element Name Atomic Number Ionization Energy (kcal/mol) Height of Straws (cm) H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Element Name Atomic Number Ionization Energy (kcal/mol) Height of Straws (cm) Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Please do not write on this document. Thank you. Electronegativity Data 3-Dimensional Representation of the Periodic Trends [25 min] Using the data provided to your group, create a 3-dimensional model that represents the trend that you have been assigned using straws. 1.One person measure and marks lengths on the straws. Lengths of straws are given in the right-most column of the table provided. 2.One person cuts the straws to the appropriate lengths. 3.One person glues the straws to the appropriate element in the periodic table. 4.One person labels the elements (writing on the straws or the periodic table). 5.Label the periodic table with an appropriate title (e.g. “3D Representation of the Trend in Atomic Radius”) Element Name Atomic Number Electronegativi ty Height of Straws (cm) H12.1 He200 Li311 Be41.5 B522 C62.5 N733 O83.5 F944 Ne1000 Na110.9 Mg1222 Al131.5 Si141.8 P152.1 S162.5 Cl1733 Ar1800 K190.8 Ca2011 Sc211.3 Ti221.5 V231.6 Cr241.6 Mn251.5 Fe261.8 Co271.8 Element Name Atomic Number Electronegativi ty Height of Straws (cm) Ni281.8 Cu291.9 Zn301.6 Ga311.6 Ge321.8 As3322 Se342.4 Br352.8 Kr3600 Rb370.8 Sr3811 Y391.2 Zr401.4 Nb411.6 Mo421.8 Tc431.9 Ru442.2 Rh452.2 Pd462.2 Ag471.9 Cd481.7 In491.7 Sn501.8 Sb511.9 Te522.1 I532.5 Xe5400