Assessment Operations Team November 26, 2012 Critical Shipping Information This material should be augmented with special consideration appropriate for your local district and school.
Key Dates Winter EOC 2013 Important Dates ActivityDate(s) Coordinator/Proctor Training PowerPoints and Material Receipt/Pack/Ship PowerPoint Posts to the Test Administration website November 19 Ship 1: Assessment Coordinator Manuals arrive in district November 16 Shipment 2: Test booklets, accommodated forms, student Pre-ID Adhesive Labels, English and Spanish Direction for Administration manuals arrive in district December 10 January 2 Winter 2013 EOC Test Administration Window ( According to district approved testing schedule within the mandatory testing window) January 2 – February 8 Proctors submit Security Assurance Form to School Coordinator February 8 or last day of testing Schools/sites submit Administration/Security report to District Assessment Coordinator February 11 Ship to DRC all used and unused Winter EOC test booklets and accommodated material according to date selected in WAMS- Profile- Delivery and Pickup January 23 January 30 February 13 District Assessment Coordinator to submit District Security Report and Test Material Variance Form (if applicable) to OSPI February 13
Shipments ARRIVE : ACM– 11/16 Test materials, English and Spanish DFAs– 12/10 or 1/2 RETURN : All Scorable and Non-Scorable – 1/23, 1/30 or 2/13 Testing Window 1/2 – 2/8 District Administration Security Reports must be faxed to the Assessment Operations Office. Fax Number: Pre-ID Pre-ID EOC students-10/8 – 11/1 Pre-ID Students Receiving Services –10/8 – 11/1 Modify ACM orders – 10/9 – 10/22 Modify DFA orders - 10/9 – 11/1 Return Shipping Return EOC Materials - 1/23 1/30 2/13
Test Materials Receipt With your initial materials shipment, you will receive a Return Shipping Kit. The Return Shipping Kit will contain: Return Verification Form Return Shipping Instructions UPS Return Shipping Labels DRC Colored Return Labels – For most districts, the Return Shipping kit will be in a white Tyvek envelope inside a blue district box Also included in your blue district box (or envelope) is a Shipping Cover Memo, your Packing List, Red X Do-Not-Score Labels and tan with brown stripe School/Site labels.
Accommodated Test Material Kits: Translated CD, Braille, Large Print Large Print: Year 1 Math, Year 2 Math and Biology kits Large Print Test Booklet Standard Form Test Booklet Large Print Glossary Braille: Year 1 Math, Year 2 Math and Biology kits Braille Test Booklet Standard Form Test Booklet Braille Glossary Translated CD: Year 1 Math, Year 2 Math and Biology kits Standard Form Test Booklet Translated CD Glossary Translated CD Instructions Accommodated materials are packaged as a kit inside a zip-lock bag with a corresponding Standard, Form A, test booklet. For Winter EOC Additional Order kits, you will need to either apply: A Student Pre-ID Adhesive Label or A two-tone Tan School/Site Label and complete boxes 1-6 on back cover
Additional Material Order in WAMS Ensure you order enough School/Site, Red X, and Return Shipping labels to accommodate additional orders of test booklets. Order ACMs -11/19/12 – 2/4/13 Order A/O Test Booklets, DFAs and Accommodated Forms -12/11/12 – 2/4/13 Order A/O Return Shipping and Ancillary Materials -12/11/12 – 2/8/13 Prior to placing an AO, verify material received in initial shipment.
Pre-ID Roster Pre-ID Barcode Roster Also available in electronic form via WAMS Your Electronic Roster (or paper) should be used to: Track material within the district and school Verify accuracy of pre-coded student demographics and suggest updates for your student information system Document test booklet barcode assignment when using an overage booklet. Document reason for not testing, Excused or Unexcused, Withdrawn date, etc. Document testing irregularities Document accommodations used Add student information when assigning a test booklet to a new student
Scorable Overage and Additional Order test booklets MUST either have: B) A School/Site Label applied to the front cover and Boxes 1-6 on the back cover completed 1.Grade 2.SSID 3.Student Name 4.District Student ID 5.Gender 6.Birth Date A) Student Pre-ID Adhesive Label If you adhere a Student Pre-ID Adhesive Label to the lower left, front cover of the test booklet, do not complete the demographic page. OR Student Pre Id Label or apply School/Site Label here
Test Booklets Student Signature (Required) Caution: Never mark or cover the test booklet security barcode number on the front cover of test booklets. Do not apply ANY type of label (Pre-ID, School/Site or Do-Not-Score) here. This barcode is used to track the return of test booklets. Altering or obscuring this barcode will cause a delay in scoring test materials. Student Pre ID Label or apply School/Site Label here Proctors must collect and account for all individual paper provided for the assessments, and return to your School Assessment Coordinator according to your secure test material handling plan.
Collect and account for all booklets: Transcribe as needed - DRC will not transcribe student work Verify that boxes 1-6 (student demographics) were completed when using School/Site Labels Verify correct placement of any test booklet label (i.e. School Site, Red-X) Confirm accommodations (Box 7) are accurate and all other information is complete Materials to be retained by District: Pre-ID Barcode Roster Proctor Training Log Sheet School/Site Administration Security Reports Test Security Assurance forms Each test site must include with the testing materials delivered to the school/site assessment coordinator, an annotated and signed copy of their Pre-ID Roster. This copy should be kept at the district for reference if materials are shown missing. Reminder: Immediately document missing test booklets and accommodated material on the Material Variance Form and annotate on the District Security Report. Immediately fax the completed forms to OSPI at (360)
Returning all EOC Accommodated Kits: Braille, Large Print, and Translated CD Transcribe all student responses from or within the accommodated form directly into the standard form test booklet that accompanied the large print or Braille kit. For scribing, use the Notes: Proctor/Coordinator Use box to note that the booklet has been scribed. Provide scribe name and date. Verify the scribe or transcribe circle has been properly filled in on the demographic page. Return the standard form test booklet (including transcription) with scorable materials. Return the accommodated form (large print/Braille/translated CD) with non-scorable materials.
Sort stacks of test booklets by content Verify completeness of the demographic page and that a School/Site Label was applied if using an overage or additional order test booklet. Pack in boxes – multiple content under the correct return label can be placed in one box. Scorable: Sort by content Non-Scorable No special sort is required Verify individual test booklets have a Red-X Do-Not-Score Label on the lower left, front cover or draw a red X on the back cover (demographic page) of the test booklet. AlgebraGeometry Do NOT Score Braille & Large Print Test Booklets Verify completeness of transcription Accommodated CDs Biology Integrated Math 2 Integrated Math 1
Special Processing Alert Available online : / Districts are responsible for transcribing into new test booklets. DRC will NOT process/score soiled test booklets placed in bags. E.g. School/Site label incorrectly applied over test book security barcode number. Defective booklets include, but are not limited to: torn booklets, misplaced Pre-ID labels, etc. Processing Soiled Test Booklets If possible, transcribe student responses into a standard form test booklet. Return transcribed booklet with scorable materials. Either place a Red X Do-Not-Score Label on the front cover or mark a large red X on the back cover of the soiled test booklet. Package in a plastic zip-lock bag and Return with non-scorable materials. Place Special Processing Alert on top of booklets zip-lock bag. Complete a Testing Irregularity Report to document the incident. DO NOT tape or staple alerts or other loose paper to test booklets as this will cause booklet damage.
Scorable Booklets and Boxes Return all test booklets to be scored. Including test booklets with transcription. Use only Winter 2013 EOC Return Shipping Labels. Labels from past years or other administrations cannot be processed.
Non-Scorable Return all booklets that should not be scored (Pre-ID and overage, Large print and braille that have been transcribed into a standard form) Use Red-X Do-Not-Score labels. Applying a red-X label to the front cover of the Non-Scorable booklet eliminates the need to draw a red X on the back cover. Red-X Do-Not-Score Labels are used for single booklets. Shrink wrapped packages of unused booklets should not be opened and do not need a red X applied. Additional labels can be ordered in WAMS.
Placing Red-X Do-Not-Score Labels Correct Incorrect If a label is accidentally placed on a test booklet in the student information box, do not attempt to remove. Apply a School/Site label over the Red X label and code the students demographic information on the back cover (demographic page)
AB Colored Return Labels MSP Materials Place colored DRC labels on Flap A. Place carrier Return Service shipping label to Flap B. Return test booklets to: Data Recognition Corporation 7303 Boone Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN All testing materials (scorable and non-scorable) will be returned via United Postal Service (UPS). School Districts need to apply a colored DRC and UPS Return Shipping Label.
2013 Winter EOC RVF Return Verification Form Districts should return the 2013 Winter EOC Return Verification Form to assist with material tracking. Both an electronic (click form) and fax version may be downloaded from the Test Administration website:
The Test Administration website is continually undergoing enhancementscheck often for updates.