The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people CPD SESSION: Tuesday, 21 st February Promoting Literacy Across the Curriculum to Raise Individual Achievement and Ensure Whole-School Consistency
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people To learn more about why we need to enhance Whole School Literacy. To evaluate what we do already. To learn more about practical strategies in the classroom. To learn what the pupil perspective is on Literacy. To introduce a more consistent approach. Session Objectives:
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Charles the First walked and talked half an hour after his head was cut off. In a 1937 test, children were asked to correctly punctuate the following:
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Charles the First walked and talked. Half an hour after, his head was cut off. Correctly Punctuated:
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Statistics: One in six people in the UK struggle with literacy. Seven million adults cannot locate the page reference for plumbers in the Yellow pages. Literacy Context:
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Statistics: 80% of prisoners have writing skills at, or below the level expected, of an 11 year old. The cost of low literacy levels is over ten billion per annum. Literacy Context:
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Statistics Statistics: KS3 results show that pupils: 1. Are inclined to recount rather than explain. 2. Are stronger at narrative than non-narrative writing. 3. Have difficulties structuring writing. 4. Only demarcate 75% of sentences properly. Whole School Literacy Context
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Questions Inspectors will ask in any lesson: Looking at the 'Guidance' sheet, highlight the areas that you do well in your teaching and areas that you need to enhance. In pairs, discuss the 'Practical Strategies' to see which ones you could adopt and use effectively in your classroom. OFSTED: New Requirements 'Every teacher in every lesson must make a contribution to improving the literacy of pupils.'
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people 1. Pupils will understand and respond better in your subject. 2. You will see improvements in the quality of their work. 3. You will see increased motivation, especially from boys. 4. Better literacy increases pupils' self-esteem and behaviour. It helps them to learn independently. What is in it For You?
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Using the pack on your table, fill in the audit by deciding, as a team, what your department does well and what could be done to improve the promotion of literacy within your subject. Departmental Audit:
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people What do pupils think about the literacy provision across the curriculum? Members of the School Council were asked to fill out a questionnaire and these are the headlines: Pupil Perspective
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that: Most subjects use Keywords. Some subjects use Mnemonics, repetition and relating the word to other things to help aid spelling. Writing
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that: Many teachers do remind pupils about how to set out their writing for different audiences and purposes. They also correct spelling and punctuation. However, not that many teachers remind pupils to use standard English in their speaking and their writing. Writing
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils believe that we could help their writing by: Introducing exciting tasks to do with their targets. Mention writing more often. Organise Key Writing Skills' workshops Have more one-to-one discussions about their work with them. Set more personal targets / give more advice. Mark books more regularly. Writing
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that: They do not really know whether they read differently in different subjects. They did, however recognise that some teachers made reading easier by having clear typed presentations and using bullet points. The responses were mixed when they were asked to state whether teachers remind pupils about how to read texts in different ways. Reading
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that: In some subjects they have been taught to scan and skim read and to highlight key points. In order to improve, they felt that more time could be devoted to reading in lessons. Reading
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that: Most teachers write key information on the whiteboard and explain information fully so that it is understood. Teachers explain new and difficult words by using diagrams, simplifying them, and explaining the words in a way in which pupils would use them. Teachers' Instructions / Explanations
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that we could improve the way in which we explain information by: Using a variety of examples. Talking more about definitions, meaning and application to different contexts. Using easier words. Teachers' Instructions and Explanations
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that teachers help pupils to make better notes by: Modelling examples – by sharing examples of notes that they would use. Highlighting key terms. Using a variety of techniques – brainstorming, bullet-pointing, using images/colour. Shortening sentences. Note-Taking and Resources
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that they learn best from: Worksheets where the key terms are in bold. Target sheets. Where the tasks are interactive. Note-Taking and Resources
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Pupils state that we could make our printed materials easier to understand if: We highlighted the key words. Made sure that the layout was clearer. Note-Taking and Resources
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people P: Punctuation Error SP: Spelling Error T: Wrong Tense Used N/P: New Paragraph Required EXP: Awkward Written Expression SE: Use Standard English Whole-School Marking Criteria
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Agree to try some of the approaches on the 'Practical Strategies' sheet in your classroom. Think about your own use of language as you speak and write in your lessons. Mark work using the 'Whole-School Marking Criteria'. Share your successes. Consistent Approach
The Cottesloe School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people Please could you fill in the 'Evaluation' sheet on your table and agree to try a new way of promoting Literacy within your lessons. Many thanks for your time. Evaluation