Created by Jessica Matus
The audience is for Seventh and Eighth grade students that are taking a Family and Consumer Science Education Course.
The students will be in a computer lab and they will be able to work at their own pace.
Given background information, students will select images with the appropriate name and gender category. Given information and images, students will explain how the 1980s trends have started to become prevalent in today’s decade while they are out in their community.
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HairFads ClothingClothing 80s Make-Up 80sMake-Up InfluencesInfluences Final Test AccessoriesFinal TestAccessories
The 1980s were known as the “Me” generation of status seekers. Power dressing was in, and Madonna had a big influence on young fashion. In the 80s, cable came to every household that owned a television. MTV was very popular with the young crowd.
MTV had a major influence for music and dancing. Rap/Hip Hop became especially popular in the 80s. TV trends included sitcoms that were anti-family, like Roseanne.
Many hairstyles in the 1980s were very large. Even when hair was short it was still big. Women like to hair spray their bangs back in a quaff look.
Head bands were a major hair accessory. Feathers and Side ponytails were a big deal as well. Many women went Platinum Blonde. Crimped hair or perms were big too.
T F 1) Did women like big hair? 2) Did women get their hair straightened? 3) Were hats a big hair accessory? 4) Ultra-teased hair was a way to have huge hair. correct incorrect correct incorrect correct incorrect
How has the 1980s girl’s hairstyle been revived today?
Guys wore their hair in Mohawks or slightly teased. Also, some guys had long and layered hair and some even had bangs. Guys liked to wear their hair curly.
A shocking fact is that some guys went platinum blonde. Take Quiz
T F Did men have bangs? Did men color their hair? Did men use glitter? Men liked flat hair. correct incorrect correct incorrect correct incorrect correct
GirlsGirls Guys Guys
Much of the fashion was either small and tight or large and baggy. Women would wear mini skirts, crop tops, off-shoulder shirts, super tight mini skirts, and leggings.
Neon color was a huge factor in the 1980s fashion. Women also wore long t-shirts, sweaters, leg warmers, and tight stone washed jeans.
Exercise gear was also a part of daily fashion; along with spandex. Colored hose with rips in them were popular too. Take Quiz Let’s get physical
1) Name 3 items that would be considered small and tight clothing 2) What was the main colors from the 1980s fashion?
In the past few years what has been a major clothing article that has been showing up from the 80s? Leggings Legwarmers Ugg boots The North Face jackets
Black and Neon was very popular for guys. They wore band t-shirts, leather or jean jackets, and rolled sleeves. Men also liked to wear tight stone washed jeans like girls.
Parachute Pants were very big in the 1980s; along with corduroy pants. Men also work leather pants. (maybe to make their leather jackets ) Take Quiz
1) How did men’s clothing resemble women’s clothing? 2) Name two types of pants that men wore?
What colors have started to show up recently in the clothing stores that have come from the 80s fashion?
Great Job, you are working very hard!
Women Friendship stuff Beads Hoop Earrings Slap Bracelets Jellies Big Hair Bows Clock Necklace Men Rhinestone Glove High-tops Brimmed Hats Rubber bands Take Quiz
Name what gender the accessory belongs to and what it is.
Men Piercings Ray Bands Glasses Women Light Pink Lips Glitter (colored) Mascara Bright Eyeshadow
Women Banana Republic Reebok LA Gear Keds Gap Men Guess Izod Ralph Lauren Adidas Vans
Keep up the GREAT work!
In any decade, there are many fads that come and go. Here are some that lasted through out the 1980s and even carried on through other decades.
Take Quiz
1) Name 4 fads that were talked about in the video. 2) What fad was created by a Hungarian Sculptor and professor achitecture?
3)What was considered to be the best if it was bigger? A)Cabbage Patch Doll C)Boom BoxA)C) B)Break Dancing D)Video ArcadesB)D) 4) What was an activity for the whole family? A)Roller Skating C)Trivial PursuitA)C) B)Rubik’s Cube D)Break DancingB)D)
What fad has continued to grow through the decades? A)Skateboarding C)ArcadesA)C) B)Boom Boxes D)Rubik CubeB)D)
Correct, Good Job!!!
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Not as growing as you would think. Think harder.
Perfect! Rubik’s Cubes have grown since the 1980s. Now there is a 7-way Rubik Cube!
1)What was a big hair accessory for women? A)A)Hats C)GlitterC) B)B)Hair Scrunches D)head bandsD)
2)What was a way women had big hair? A)A)Hair teasing C)wearing breadsC) B)B)In a ponytail D)wearing hatsD)
3)What color did men like to color their hair? A)A)Platinum Blonde C)BlackC) B)B)Red D)BrownD)
4)What did women like to wear? A)A)Athletic shorts C)JerseysC) B)B)Leg warmers D)BootsD)
5)Main colors used for clothing in the 1980s were? A)A)Neon colors C)BlacksC) B)B)Earth tones D)PatternsD)
6)What types of clothing have been seen in stores recently that resemble the 80s? A)A)Ugg Boots C)North Face JacketsC) B)B)Neon colors D)ScarfsD)
7)What is one type of pants that men wore? A)A)Parachute pants C)Athletic ShortsC) B)B)Leggings D)Sweat PantsD)
8)What is one accessory that men did NOT wear? A)A)Brimmed Hats C)High TopsC) B)B)Rubber Bands D)JelliesD)
9)What did women like to use in their make-up? A)A)Glitter C)TattoosC) B)B)Ray Bands D)GlassesD)
10)What was NOT a major influence in clothing? A)A)Gap C)AdidasC) B)B)Abercrombie D)ReebokD)
11)What was the new popular cable show in the 80s? A)A)MTV C)DisneyC) B)B)ABC Family D)FoxD)
12)The 1980s was a generation of? A)A)Givers C)DoersC) B)B) “Me” D)ReligionD)
13)What was NOT a fad of the 1980s? A)A)Break Dancing C)Roller SkatingC) B)B)Crafting D)ArcadesD)
14)What music became popular in the 80s? A)A)Country C)GospelC) B)B)Hip Hop D)RockD)
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Correct! Great job!
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Correct! Great job!
Incorrect, keeping working at it.
Yes, Perfect!
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Keep working.
Great! Keep up the good work!
Incorrect, keeping working at it.
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Correct, Good Job!!!
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Awesome Work!
Keep Trying, Your doing well.
Correct! Great job!
Congratulations on learning about 1980s fashion! I hope you enjoyed this lesson.