Creating non-fiction blocks of work to help secure Yr3/4 expectations Resources Explanation of Model Strategies Teacher Planning and Assessment Activities.


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Presentation transcript:

Creating non-fiction blocks of work to help secure Yr3/4 expectations Resources Explanation of Model Strategies Teacher Planning and Assessment Activities Pupil Outcomes Photo’s Pupil Voice Next Steps for teacher/school

Purpose To raise standards across Years Three and Four in non-fiction. Particularly with emphasis on increased achievement and progress in paragraphing, summarising and inference. Created blocks of work to secure Year Three and Four Expectations and meet individual school needs. In English and across the curriculum. Included Guided and whole class reading.

What is Literature Works? Literature Works is a school improvement strategy which aims to : broaden and deepen children`s learning within English and English across the curriculum in order to improve outcomes for all pupils widen and extend teachers knowledge of texts and authors to support a vibrant reading culture and to ensure that texts studied by pupils is sufficiently challenging to meet the demands of a broad and balanced curriculum provide high quality CPD for teachers and school leaders. facilitate enquiry based learning and networking opportunities for teacher`s facilitate relationships with Newcastle Library service and access knowledge and resources provide a website as a platform for sharing resources, ideas and knowledge

How might our work resolve the needs of the class/group ?  Talked about what we wanted from the group and current ways of planning, school needs etc. Sharing of ideas and resources. Discussed possible focus.  Discussed guided reading around NF and use of reading journals, predict, clarify, question, summarise etc. reciprocal reading strategies etc. Literature Works strategies and how these play a part in planning NF units of work as well as narrative. Grids and making connections between/with texts. Shared books. Discussed strategies we want to trial and implement as a group in our classes and ways of using different texts.  Talked about some of our needs as a teacher (not just of our pupils and class) e.g. ordering and cohesion in planning, what comes next? Showing how pupils are making their progress in English re: NF. Looked at obj overview grids – exceeding Year 3 and 4, what that looks like. Approaching planning NF. Discussed our current topics and shared some texts/ideas.  Agreed focus - Plan a unit of work for NF (however best fits in to our curric/school – e.g. topic based CM or genre JL etc, from shared narrative KD etc). Look at NF objectives and bring examples of planning and ch’n outcomes where they have exceeded expectations through activities, teaching and learning, reading etc. We are all planning units of work to develop paragraphing; summarising and inference. Agreed to bring samples of activities created to develop these areas and plans to the next meeting. Ongoing review, sharing plans and activities, evidence of outcomes that have exceeded expectations.

Approach Links to one area of the curriculum other than English and Identify/sequence texts ‘before’, ‘during’, and ‘after’ Talk for reading strategies.

Talk for Reading Activate prior knowledge Predict Clarify Questions Summarise Likes and dislike Egyptians River Tyne/Quayside NF Journals Visits, visitors, performances, curriculum enhancement and wider curriculum. Music etc. River Cruise. Independently reading at home/researching. Interest, enthusiasm, reading for pleasure. Talking to families after class work. Library

‘Before’ ‘During’ ‘After’ Look at Geography Work Reading – depth and breadth of Non-fiction. All genres. Challenging texts.

School 1 Kate Dalkin Waverley: Butterfly Lion (LKS2 Whole Class Text Autumn 2014) The Blue Adonis Boarding School World War I Instructions, glossary, research, recount – journalistic, persuasion, discussion. Semolina – recipes, tasting, instructions. Summarising, inferences, paragraphing.

School 1 Claire Miller Waverley: The Butterfly Lion (Michael Morpurgo) The Cat Mummy (Jacqueline Wilson) Across Other Topics: Look at Curriculum Plans All non-fiction genres Egyptians and NF Journals (History Unit Spring 2015) River Tyne and History of the Quayside (Geography and History Units Summer 2015) ‘Wolves in the Walls’ narrative by Neil Gaiman – led to ‘Wolves’ NF Unit see planning and NC report outcomes ‘The Seal Hunter’ poem – led to ‘Seals’ NF topic, persuasive writing, summarising, research, retrieval. Forest Schools and variety of fiction and poetry led to NF work linked with deforestation Teaching a NF writing genre in different ways e.g. Neil Gaiman ‘Instructions’ and developing crucial NF skills e.g. summarising across all topics. Su2 Journey to Jo’bourg narrative. Nelson Mandela etc.

work/saving-seals saving-seals.html The Seal Hunter by Tony Mitton Circus stimulus from text

School 2 and 3 Katherine Thorpe Throckley – weekly planning, Egyptians (Waverley Egyptians) Jenny Lambert Thomas Walling – Instructions Literature Works approach and strategies to Non- Fiction. Egyptians.

Assessment Pupil Voice – quotes (tin lids and added to displays) River Tyne and Quayside topic and cruise. Using updated curriculum objectives and outcomes. Children created and delivered presentations View Outcomes of pupil work Year Five Pupils requesting to read it and narrative unit planned. Children’s art projects and they created ‘wolves’ coming out of the walls around school. Children talking to each other about their texts in class and those texts being shared and used in different ways and for different outcomes. Children recognising authors and making links with their NF work and fiction/poetry. Teacher (RR) created his own book, ‘Piranhas in the Pipes’.

Outcomes Class Reading for pleasure, NF. Summarising, paragraphing, inference impact. Children making links when they are reading narrative, poetry and between genres. Increased attainment and motivation to write in range of NF genre. More creative planning, focussed on needs and linked across curriculum. School and next steps Continue within phase next year. NF journals throughout. Talk for reading strategies to continue. SPaG links within units of planning. Assessing without levels and making judgements in Non- fiction objectives across Years Three and Four.