Location Vous avez déjà visité l'Afrique?
Location Located in the country of Niger The city is located in a pearl millet growing region Continent of Africa
Sites to see Vous aimez vous amuser?
Sites to see Air mountains Niamey Grand Mosque Musée National Abaaba National Park Sultan’s Palace
Why TBA Student should visit Pourquoi visiter Niamey?
Why TBA Student should visit They have a University Experience something new and different It’s the largest city in West Africa Has a beautiful view of the river Warm weather ~ 75 degrees
Hotel Tenere Vous aimez nager?
Hotel Tenere Perfect service Swimming pool Very clean Good food Very comfortable
Diori Hamani International Comment trouver Niamey?
Diori Hamani International Boston Niamey o $2,579 Niamey Boston o $1,134 Total = $3,713
Le Pilier Vous aimez la nourriture?
Le Pilier Ranked #1 of 13 Niamey restaurants Menu – pizza, pastas, salads, soup, fish, and beverages.
Grand Marche Vous aimez faire du shopping?
Grand Marche Flea Market - clothing, food products, jewelry, etc… Fun environment
Group Bombino Vous aimez la musique?
Group Bombino Famous artist in Niamey - Genre: African Music, Tishoumaren
Transportation Vous aimez les bateaux?
Transportation Go anywhere by - taxi, bus, bike, cars, boats or ferries
Interesting Fact Located on the Niger River, crossroads of country’s two main highways Trade center for agricultural region specialize for growing peanuts