By Arturo Burciaga
Map of wetlands The wetlands is in many places
The Importance of the Wetlands Provide a habitat for plants and animals. Reduces damage form storms and floods. Improve water quality and water levels. Support fishing and hunting. Provide a habitat for plants and animals. Reduces damage form storms and floods. Improve water quality and water levels. Support fishing and hunting.
Types of Wetland s Marshes Swamps Bogs Fens
Marshes Always filled with water Many plants have soft stems and adapt to wet conditions Water comes from surface water and ground water.
Swamps Water is supplied by surface and ground water. Have many woody plants like White Cedar, Cypress Trees, Red Maples, and many kinds of shrubs. Much swamps have been destroyed in the past 200 years.
Bogs Are mostly fed by rain. Moss grows on most of bog This bog is found in Alaska
Fen Are fed by ground water Mostly found in the United states like in the Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes Rare because they are drained for farming
Animals in the Wetlands Birds Amphibians Crustaceans Mammals And many more
Snowy Egret
Bull frog
Plants of the Wetlands Trees Shrubs Flowers Moss And others
Skunk Cabbage
Button Brush
Pitcher plant
Showy Lady Slipper
Wetlands throughout the world The wet lands are found all over the world in different types of climates
The Wetlands A lot of the wetlands has been drained and destroyed for farming, ranching, making roads, and building cities and towns.