Bread By Gaby
Things you can make with bread Match Them Up!! Garlic bread Pizza Bread and butter pudding Toast bread crumbs
What I made I made pizza bases using a bread recipe. This is the recipe I followed, from Jamie Oliver.
Facts about Bread Bread has been a main food since before Jesus was born. Our bread contains flour made from wheat and yeast. It is the yeast that makes the bread rise. Some breads use a different agent to make the bread rise, e.g. Soda Bread. Bread is found all over the world. In India they eat Naan bread.
White and brown bread Brown bread is healthier than white bread. Granary bread has seeds in it. You can make all different kinds of shapes with bread. White flour has the outside of the wheat removed. Brown flour has most of the outside left on.
My Bread Chart DaysSlicesType Mondaynone Tuesday 1 ½ & 2 Bread and toast Wednesday2Toast Thursday2Sandwiches Friday2Toast Saturday3 quartersPizza Sunday3sandwiches