History of Basketball and Civil Rights Powerpoint
Powerpoint presentation Relate your topic to another event on the timeline. At least 3 informative slides, a title page, and a works cited page. Answer the basic questions: Who was involved? What happened? When did the event occur? Why is it important? Where did it happen? After you have finished your powerpoint, you will need to present your project in front of the class.
More than 5 questions or comments. Beginning Approaching Meeting Exceeding Powerpoint slides PPT provides the audience limited information. Text appears to be cut and paste from source. PPT contains distracting graphics and transitions. Slides are unbalanced between text and visuals. Less than 3 informative slides. At least 3 slides have visuals and relevant written info. Presenters explain how their event relates to one event on the timeline. Has a short video clip to show class related to topic. Connects multiple events to timeline. Presentation Presenters require frequent teacher prompting to keep on track. Little to no audience participation. One person dominates presentation or at points the presentation is difficult to follow. Both presenters equally share speaking roles and appropriately respond to at least 5 questions or comments. More than 5 questions or comments. Works cited page Relies heavily on just one source of information. Text is directly copied and has not been analyzed by presenters. Less than three different sources. In parts text appears to be directly copied. 3 sources of information are credited on PPT. Sources include credible internet sites or books from library. More than 3 sources of information are credited. Teachers learn something new from presentation. Audience behavior Frequent interruptions and no evidence of note taking. Minimal notes or occasional interruptions. No interruptions. Takes notes for timeline project. Asks questions or makes comments at appropriate time.
Civil rights events Women receive the right to vote in United States Brown vs. Board supreme court decision US military desegregates 1964 civil rights act is signed into law by president Johnson. 1968 civil rights act is signed into law by president Johnson. Track and field protest during Olympics in Mexico City Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech. Martin Luther King’s birthday becomes a federal holiday. Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott Congress passes Title IX of the Education Amendments to insure equal funding for women’s sports. Desegregation busing in Boston school system
Basketball events Bill Russell becomes 1st African American coach Texas Western wins college basketball championship. Harlem Globetrotters defeat Minneapolis Lakers. Crispus Attucks wins Indiana state basketball championship. Women’s basketball becomes Olympic sport. Oscar Robertson lawsuit leads to free agency in NBA. The ABA is formed and then merges with NBA. Robert L Johnson becomes first African American owner of a professional sports franchise. WNBA is formed. Basketball becomes an Olympic sport for men. All-American Red Heads are formed and disbanded.