Using CIITS to Create Common School & District Assessments Copyright © 2011 Schoolnet, Inc. All rights reserved.
What is currently available in CIITS? Deconstructed Standards – accessible by all users Student information - accessible by those who directly teach the student and campus/district leadership Resources and tools to support teachers in the process of formative assessment Resources and tools to support district and campus leadership in creating interim and common assessments 2 Intro to CIITS
Consider best practices for naming and creating tests at the district and school levels Understand the different stages of building a test in CIITS Create assessment items Create Common Assessments manually and by using the Item Bank 3 Learning Objectives
Benefits of the Assessment Admin Module in CIITS Districts, schools and teachers may create and administer assessments online using CIITS District and Campus Leadership can: − Build assessments using items from an item bank or by creating new items. − Schedule assessments for administration at the district, campus, or classroom level. − Monitor the collection of results. − Generate and analyze reports related to student responses in the Classrooms and School & District Data modules. 4
Benchmark (Common) Results in School & District Data and Classrooms Tests created at the district, region or school level for the purpose of institution- wide data collection Classroom Results only appear in Classrooms Tests created for the purpose of classroom use Items can be teacher- created or selected from an item bank 5 Two Types of Tests
School & District Data (institution reporting) Per-standard performance reporting –Class comparisons –Teacher comparisons –School comparisons Item analysis Proficiency reporting Performance level distribution reporting Avg. % correct: compare Classrooms (class-based reporting) Per-standard performance reporting Compare class to school at any level of the standards hierarchy Item analysis Year-to-date skill summary Compare results by administration 6 Benchmark (Common Assessment) Performance Analysis
Online Testing Overview Performance data available for analysis 5 Create test Schedule Test Tests administered to students online Results collected online Session 1: Step 1: Create test items Session 2: Steps 2-4: Schedule, Administer, and Score Session 3: Step 5: Review Results
Navigate in Assessment Admin with the Sub Menu Dashboard is the default Assessment Admin home page in Dashboard. Use Create to add items, passages and tests Use Track Completion Rates to monitor the result collection progress of In Progress and Complete tests Locate all your tests in Find a Test –– past, present and drafts Find an Item or Passage serves as the item repository 9
Discuss naming conventions for assessments: For example: Discuss workflow: Will you create items and then build tests or do you want to build a test for which the items are already identified? Discuss who will do what: item creation, test creation, scheduling/assigning tests, monitoring collection of results. Test Planning 10 Math 6 CDB Math 6 CDB 1 M Subject Grade Test Title School Year Modified
Locating Items in Item Central ‘Layer’ filters to locate desired items, such as by keyword, grade and subject 12
Item Detail View item usage history Edit if permissioned to do so 13
Creating Items: Key Facts Types: multiple choice, gridded response, T/F, open response One subject, one right answer only in order to support reporting Alerts: help you build an error-free item 14
Using Images in Test Questions Import image file: copy and paste not supported As a best practice, keep images small, both in file size and dimension. If you want to gather images all at once, create a folder on a network or local drive. Develop a file naming convention so you can easily locate the right image for each question. The Image icon opens your file chooser – navigate to the file, highlight it and click Open. For best results, resize before uploading. 15
Passages You can associate any question with a passage Once you create a passage, you can select and associate it with additional questions The passage feature can be used with images that you want to use with multiple test questions As a best practice, create reading passages as text, not images as text, as resizing can make them difficult to read 16
Rubric You can associate any open Response question with a Rubric Once you create a Rubric, you can select and associate it with additional questions The Standard associated with the Rubric will become the Primary Standard of the Open Response Item Rubrics must be associated to a Subject, Grade Level, and Standard. A Rubric must have multiple levels 17
Ways to Build a Test Ideal for teachers building quick assessments for classroom use. Ideal for creating Common (Benchmark) Assessments for use across a district/campus. “Makes the creation of standards-based assessments fast and easy, offering educators more opportunities to create frequent assessments that can be used for formative purposes to inform instruction.” 19
Define Your Test 20 Test Name cannot be changed, once created. Multiple Test Categories available to support common district, campus, and classroom assessments.
Add Content to Your Test 21 For each item on your test: Select Lookup in Item Central to locate an item you have already created and saved or to find an item from the Item Bank - OR - Create a new item.
Test Stages 22 Private Draft: only you (test creator) can view/edit this test Public Draft: test can be viewed/edited by all with the ability to create common district assessments or common campus assessments. Ready to Schedule: test can be viewed, but can no longer be edited Scheduled: test dates have been set and test has been assigned to specific courses/grade levels (will address in next session) In Progress: testing window has begun Completed: testing window has ended
Wrap Up Session Summary Application Activity –Create at least one common assessment using CIITS before the next training session. This test should be in the ‘ready to schedule’ stage. –Contact your district IC support team if you have not been given appropriate permissions to use this function within CIITS. Q and A Help desk: or Download Materials (if not completed earlier) Workshop Evaluation 23