Www.calimera.org Rob Davies CALIMERA Scientific Co-ordinator UK.


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Presentation transcript:

Rob Davies CALIMERA Scientific Co-ordinator UK

A little history FP 4 – PubliCA - public libraries – accompanying measure [ ] FP5 – PULMAN - public libraries – concerted action [2001-3]. –[Policy Conference, Portugal, March 2003] –PULMAN Manifesto, Oeiras Action Plan –Role in e-Europe FP6 – CALIMERA – museums+archives+public libraries+end users

PULMAN Guidelines Point public libraries into the digital era –assist policy makers & practitioners  what policies public libraries their services support  what types of services can be considered –links to examples of good practice across Europe  what is being done  what can be done (and how)

Threats and opportunities Libraries changing fast - need to change faster –falling demand for ‘core’ services in some parts of Europe (loans/visits) –public libraries at the digital cross-roads Potential of IST –remotely-provided information & services –friendly online services - excluded groups –unlock & make available local content –‘hybrid’ - balance of physical buildings/content versus virtual/digital content –type of staff and skills required –partnerships with other local institutions/agencies

Interlinked social challenges e-Europe 2005 supporting reading digital literacy learning and employment skills economic development (knowledge economy) social inclusion cultural diversity, identity and cohesion, democracy and citizenship (e-Government), the local environment

The PULMAN Guidelines Section 1- Social Policy Access & services people with physical & visual impairments Services for children and schools Services supporting education in adult life (lifelong learning) Support for business and the economy Access to music & non-print materials Access to cultural content Social inclusion/e-inclusion e-Government

The PULMAN Guidelines Section 2 - Management Co-operation and partnership Funding and financing Performance measures and evaluation Copyright Legal issues

The PULMAN Guidelines Section 3 - Technical Digitisation Developments in integrated library systems Multimedia service delivery Delivery channels Resource description, discovery and renewal Tailoring of services/personalisation Multilingual issues

Guidelines Format Scope Policy issues State of the art Technical issues Future agenda Best practice Links

PULMAN Guidelines

Oeiras Action Plan 1.strategies 2.funding priorities 3.co-ordinated policy making 4.partnerships 5.interactive services 6.centres of excellence 7.staff recruitment and training 8.needs of users 9.benchmark 10.research and take-up activities

Calimera is funded under the European Commission, IST Programme

Cultural Applications: Local Institutions Mediating Electronic Resource Access FP 6 Co-ordination Action CALIMERA =

18 months –1 December May ,000 Euros 46 partners - local organisations, national authorities, research centres, Eblida –financial coordinator: Lisbon –scientific co-ordinator/project manager: MDR Basic facts

Ensure local cultural institutions right across Europe can benefit from FP –enabling ‘anywhere, anytime, natural access to IST services for all’ –new forms of cultural and learning experience Help establish a stable pan-European infrastructure for distributed digital content and community memory –5 to 10 year horizon Strategic objective

Research agenda for ‘Community Memory’ –Call late 2004/early 2005? –Turn IST research into helpful digital services for citizens Make best use of existing/emerging technologies –Mobilise public libraries, local museums and archives –Develop and extend PULMAN good practice guidelines –Improve delivery of solutions to local institutions Focus on the needs of the end user/usability –Work with industry/researchers How to measure impact of services on the end user Main goals (1)

Policy work: sensitise decision-makers, professionals, solution providers –European, national, regional and local levels –implement and deliver digitally-based services locally –support policy agendas  e-government, social inclusion, e-learning, skills for employment, regional local economic development etc –European co-ordination, benchmarking –Cross-domain approach – Local authorities  integration of services/re-engineering Main goals (2)

Country Co-ordinators: locally-based professionals –builds on PULMAN country co-ordinators –adds archives, museums National Authorities responsible for local cultural institutions –Public libraries, museums and archives Solutions Providers – the suppliers of local institutions [research and industry] Three reference networks

Country Co-ordination Groups –Active, innovative people –Public Libraries, Museums and Archives Supply information Interact with policymakers, researchers and and industry Spread the news! …in each country

WP1Technologies and research for local cultural services [Critical Publics] WP2Local services: sharing policies and best practice [Resource] WP3 The end user experience: a usable community memory [MMU] WP4 Dissemination, networking and training [Eblida] WP 5Management, co-rdination,evaluation [Lisbon/MDR] Workplan structure

Identify interesting technical developments and solutions Research roadmap for ‘community memory [FP6 call]’ Bring together stakeholders from cultural heritage domain, policy and industry Mobilise solutions providers for local institutions Assess business issues e.g. licensing/delivery –Desk research –Analysis – Expert workshops [Prague 16/17 April] –Reports –Solutions Noticeboard WP 1- Technologies and research for local cultural services

FP5 – DIGICULT, Heritage4All FP6 –BRICKS, DELOS, EPOCH, MinervaPLUS, PrestoSpace Special collaboration between CALIMERA and Minerva/ MinervaPLUS –‘bottom up’ and top down National programmes + applications, industry …where to begin?

Existing resources of Cultural Memory Organisations Generation of new digital content by virtual communities and individuals Wider idea that culture is 'everything we do’ –interfaces between culture and knowledge, learning, information for everyday life Music Newer content forms e.g. Multimedia, VR/3D Content - what do we mean?

What sorts of technologies are we looking at? Creation Publishing Description Storage Delivery Preservation Customer support Discover, locate and request Middleware Back office/CMS Novel uses

Technologies – what might we mean? Effective integration of technical components, –vast improvement in ‘downward scalability’ for local institutions, Web Services Developing the potential of CH within formal and informal knowledge acquisition and learning systems Tools for an ‘ambient’ Cultural Heritage –enabling content contribution and on-demand service delivery to home, car, school and workplace –fit everyday patterns of living, more interactive, satisfying, easier to use –Semantic Web ’

Develop policy environment/improve strategic support –adopt research-based technologies –European strategic – association (build on NAPLE?) ‘Community mapping’ Benchmark good practice Bring guidance for museums and archives up to level –Survey –Country benchmark reports –Guidelines Scoping workshop [Brussels 19 March] –Policy workshop for national authorities [Jan 2005] –Policy toolkit –Guidelines [build on PULMAN + archives and museums] –Online Forums – policy and best practice WP 2 Sharing policies and best practice

A vision for cultural services in the local authority environment? “CH services can be integrated sustainably within well-funded e-service platforms being developed by local authorities, partnerships and institutions throughout Europe, in support of their agendas for e-government, education, health, social inclusion and the local economy”

Usability strategy for creation+ access to digital community memory resources –Ease-of-integration –Ease of use for end users –Test usability of core technologies and solutions Measurement of impact on local users –Desk research –Expert Workshops [Vilnius 2 July] –Test forums [Greece, Hungary, Portugal] –Surveys –Guidelines/reports WP 3 The end user experience: a usable community memory

Community of practice –develop extensive network – build on PULMAN, CULTIVATE, TRIS, NAPLE Framework for sustainable in-service technology training –Briefing meeting [Brussels, 6/17 January] –Expert workshops [Zadar, 11/12 June… Belgrade] –CALIMERA Website service –Training Guideline –International research agreements –Focus on SouthEast Europe FP6 Call 3 – focus on international co-operation [Sept] WP 4 - Dissemination, networking and training

Single point of public access to project results −guidelines and roadmaps developed −country-based benchmarking reports −the policy toolkit and advisory channels −best practice forum −Solutions Notice board Stakeholder database Link to other projects, resources etc ‘Intranet’ for project documents CALIMERAWeb
