Webinar Series to support Keystone AEA 1 Session #2 ●Substantial Deficiency ●Progress Monitoring ●Interventions
Questions? Please type any questions into the chat box and we’ll address them: As we move through the powerpoint At the end of the informational-sharing
Substantial Deficiencies- Defined “substantial deficiency in reading”...based on the requirements of this chapter (279.68), the student’s reading is below a standard set on an approved assessment, and the student’s progress on a measure that meets the requirements of this chapter is minimal. Score below the vendor benchmark for two consecutive universal screening periods.
Universal Screening Data Used Always look at two adjacent universal screening periods ●e.g.: fall to midyear; spring to fall 3 Categories of student performance: ●On track ●At Risk of having substantial deficiency ●Have a substantial deficiency
What are decisions? If a student met benchmark on the previous universal screening assessment and on the current universal screening s/he scores…. At or above the benchmark, then s/he is not at-risk and considered appropriately progressing and not action is required. Below the benchmark, the s/he is at-risk for substantial deficiency in reading and weekly progress monitoring is required but no intervention.
What are decisions? If a student was identified as at-risk on the previous universal screening assessment and on the current universal screening s/he scores…. At or above the benchmark, then s/he is no longer considered at-risk and considered appropriately progressing and no action is required. Below the benchmark, then s/he is substantially deficient in reading and both weekly progress monitoring and intervention are required.
What are decisions? If a student was identified as substantially deficient on the previous universal screening assessment and on the current universal screening s/he scores….. At or above the benchmark, then s/he is at-risk for substantial deficiency in reading and weekly progress monitoring is required but no intervention. Below the benchmark, then s/he continues to be substantially deficient in reading and both weekly progress monitoring and intervention are required.
When do I HAVE to provide an Intervention? ●If the student is below the benchmark for ONE testing period then s/he is at-risk for substantial deficiency in reading and weekly progress monitoring is required but an intervention is not required at this point, however it is recommended. ●If the student is below the benchmark for TWO consecutive testing windows, s/he is substantially deficient in reading which means weekly progress monitoring and an intervention are required until the deficiency is remediated.
FAQ The law says that a district must provide a student with intensive reading instruction until the reading deficiency is remediated: what does 'remediated' mean? ●Remediated means the student no longer performs below the benchmark on the universal screening measure for two consecutive periods and/or meets proficiency on the statewide accountability assessment.
TIER Demonstration 1.Adding a New Intervention *You have to have an intervention set up in order to progress monitor in the TIER system for all at-risk students. 2.Giving Staff Permission to use Interventions 3.Setting Up an Intervention 4.Adding a Second Progress Monitoring Test 5.Entering Intervention Time 6.Administering Progress Monitoring
What do I do now? ●Go to the Knowledge Base o Search: Interventions and/or progress monitoring o Reference PDF- Setting up Interventions and Setting up Student Interventions and Progress Monitoring o Reference videos
Questions and Answers