Teaching Students Organic Chemistry: QEP III Next Generation Course Redesign TM Jonathan L. Lavezo Dr. Sushama Dandekar College of Arts and Sciences Department of Chemistry
Why redesign the original course? Complex material Instructional approach inhibits learning Unguided learning
Redesign Goals Improve students’ capacity to learn Provide better delivery Develop Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
N-Gen Course Redesigns Brain-based learning theory Outcome-based assessment Student collaboration Develop innovative instructional techniques
Brain-Based Learning Theory Adopted from Laura Erlauer’s The Brain- Compatible Classroom: Using what we know about learning to improve teaching Building of neurological connections Seven fundamentals are the foundation for “brain-based” learning
Seven Fundamentals Emotional Wellness of Students Body, Movement, and the Brain Relevant Content and Student Choices Time, Time, and More Time Enrichment for the Brain Collaboration Assessment and Feedback
Real World Collaborative Project: Adopt-A-Molecule Assigned molecule Create data profile Relates to concepts in lecture Peer reviews
Real World Collaborative Project: Sample Molecular Profile
Developed Course Material Class hand-outs, guided problems, and tutorial videos Provides a variety of learning tools Students not limited to one learning style Designed to improve comprehension
Example Hand-Outs Handout 1 Handout 2 Handout 3
Guided Problems and Videos Guided problems connect multiple concepts Videos span a variety of topics Materials available on-line
Analysis and Results Alignment analysis between test materials and SLOs All materials align to SLOs Corresponds to assessment and feedback fundamental
Conclusion Changed the delivery of organic chemistry – Implemented brain based learning – Aligned SLOs to test material – Heightened student engagement Course needs to be studied