Schoolnet Benchmarks
Schoolnet Technical Disruptions from October Database overload High volume Reporting Static Content
Schoolnet Assessments by the Numbers School Year/Type Total Assessments Completed Completed Online Online % ,375,409827, % District Benchmark1,367,083819, % District Benchmark NCEXTEND % School Assessment NCEXTEND % State Benchmark7,3447, % ,027,470726, % District Benchmark666,524395, % School Assessment NCEXTEND % State Benchmark360,938330, % Grand Total2,402,8791,553, %
Schoolnet Technical Improvements for December and January Up to 90 “minor” optimizations and enhancements have been applied to version 16.0 There are three “major” improvements which will distribute and balance the load on Schoolnet: –Assessments - Created a dedicated database instance to serve the assessment administration activities –Assessment Reporting – Created a read-only database instance to serve selected reporting activities –Static Content - Added a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which will place static content closer to the requester without placing additional burden on the application servers
Long Term Schoolnet Solution Migrate to Schoolnet Version 16.2 in spring –Migrates Assessment Administration functions from SQL Server to “Cassandra” database, which is a much more scalable database platform. – Includes additional optimizations and functionality Monitor the deployment and performance of Schoolnet Version 16.2 with Cassandra in other state instances Conduct extensive functional and load tests of version 16.2 in an upgraded NC test environment that mimics production