Georgia Institute of Technology Fiscal Year 2008 Year End Town Hall Meeting March 26, am - 11am Student Services Building, Room 117
Agenda Opening Remarks Joel Hercik Closeout Memo Review Carol Gibson Business Services Update Gerald Russell & Sharon Jackson Payroll Update Maryann Fogarty SPD Update Robert Ellington Questions from the Audience
Opening Remarks Opening Remarks Joel Hercik Associate VP, Financial Services
Close Out Memo Review Carol Gibson Controller, Controller’s Office
Procurement Update Gerald Russell Senior Contract Officer, Purchasing Sharon Jackson Associate Director, Business Services
Important Purchasing Deadlines Follow chronological close out dates- posted on Procurement and TechWorks web sites Follow chronological close out dates- posted on Procurement and TechWorks web sites Submit EDP to OIT at least 5 business days prior to deadline Submit EDP to OIT at least 5 business days prior to deadline All requisitions must have required documentation prior to processing All requisitions must have required documentation prior to processing
Open Encumbrances at Year-End Change Request Forms must be submitted via TechWorks by Thursday, June 26, Change Request Forms must be submitted via TechWorks by Thursday, June 26, The Open Encumbrance Report (GTPOR262) will be available exclusively on TechWorks The Open Encumbrance Report (GTPOR262) will be available exclusively on TechWorks –Run/Print/Review on June 28, 2008 –Return with request to close encumbrance by Noon on Monday June 30, No accounting changes or increases –No Open Encumbrance Reports will be processed to effect 2007 or 2008 PO’s/budgets, if received after JUNE 30 th.
FY 09 Purchase Orders FY 09 requisitions cannot be entered until July 1, 2008 FY 09 requisitions cannot be entered until July 1, 2008 Notice of Intent to Issue Purchase Order form located on the Procurement Services form bank Notice of Intent to Issue Purchase Order form located on the Procurement Services form bank FY 09 transactions will not be available on any financial reports until July 16, 2008 FY 09 transactions will not be available on any financial reports until July 16, 2008
Important P-Card Deadlines Transactions posted by bank by Tuesday, June 27, 2008 will be recorded in FY 08. Transactions posted by bank by Tuesday, June 27, 2008 will be recorded in FY 08. Transaction information available on Saturday, June 28, Transaction information available on Saturday, June 28, Redistribution via Works must be completed by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, July 1, Redistribution via Works must be completed by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, July 1, Redistribution via the PCard redistribution journal entry must be completed by Thursday, July 3, 2008 Redistribution via the PCard redistribution journal entry must be completed by Thursday, July 3, 2008 PCard may not be used to purchase prepaid registrations for FY09 using FY08 funds. PCard may not be used to purchase prepaid registrations for FY09 using FY08 funds.
Accounts Payable Deadlines Friday, June 20 th at Noon Friday, June 20 th at Noon –Last day for approved invoices and Check Request Forms for posting in FY08 Properly approved on correct form Properly approved on correct form Valid account information Valid account information Supporting documentation Supporting documentation Sufficient encumbrance (for invoices, subcontracts) Sufficient encumbrance (for invoices, subcontracts) –Hand deliver urgent requests to a manager after this date to to a manager after this date to ensure processing by year-end
Accounts Payable Year-End Accrual Project All invoices $5000 and greater must be accrued at fiscal year end for invoices dated 6/30 and prior that are not paid this fiscal year All invoices $5000 and greater must be accrued at fiscal year end for invoices dated 6/30 and prior that are not paid this fiscal year AP will use the electronic invoicing system through WebNow to record all invoices > $5000 that are not paid by 6/30 AP will use the electronic invoicing system through WebNow to record all invoices > $5000 that are not paid by 6/30 Whenever possible, approve these invoices and submit to AP by year end Whenever possible, approve these invoices and submit to AP by year end Do not “hold” paper invoices-Whether the invoice Do not “hold” paper invoices-Whether the invoice is approved or not, please submit to AP for scanning into invoice work queues and accrual of liability
Pre-Paid Expenses What are they? What are they? –Payments that must be made this fiscal year for an expense for a future fiscal year. Examples include registrations and airfare purchases paid prior to 6/30 for a FY09 conference/trip. How do we make payments this FY? How do we make payments this FY? –Submit CRF or TES marked ‘Pre-paid Expense’ and include next FY’s project account. No P-Card charges allowed for future fiscal year expenditures. How are they posted? How are they posted? –Expenses will post to the FY09 project/expense account in July
FY09 Accounts Payable Transactions –The system should be available on Tuesday, July 1st to begin processing payments for FY09 –First check run: July 1st –Expenses will not post to ledgers or the GT Data Warehouse (web payment look-up tool) until July 16th, but TRUST US, “The check is in the mail” “The check is in the mail”
FY 08 TES Processing 5/16 - Last day for TES submission for 4/30 and prior 5/16 - Last day for TES submission for 4/30 and prior 6/6 - Deadline for 5/1 – 5/31 trip end dates 6/6 - Deadline for 5/1 – 5/31 trip end dates 6/13 - Deadline for 6/1-6/11 trip end dates 6/13 - Deadline for 6/1-6/11 trip end dates 6/20 (noon)- Deadline for 6/12-6/19 trip end dates 6/20 (noon)- Deadline for 6/12-6/19 trip end dates 6/20-6/30 Trip end dates will be processed after July 1st, using FY09 funds unless hand delivered 6/20-6/30 Trip end dates will be processed after July 1st, using FY09 funds unless hand delivered to a manager prior to noon on June 27th
Travel: Direct Billing of Airfare New This Year: Monthly posting of travel agency charges and increased direct billing of airfare=earlier deadlines for reservations that must hit FY08 ledgers. New This Year: Monthly posting of travel agency charges and increased direct billing of airfare=earlier deadlines for reservations that must hit FY08 ledgers. Reduced domestic routes and peak summer travel- Make reservations as early as possible! Reduced domestic routes and peak summer travel- Make reservations as early as possible! Book reservations through Travel Inc by May 15 th to ensure posting in FY08. If we are able to push this date to June, you will be notified via the Admin Network. Book reservations through Travel Inc by May 15 th to ensure posting in FY08. If we are able to push this date to June, you will be notified via the Admin Network. After this date, travelers can always use personal After this date, travelers can always use personal credit cards and we can reimburse using this year’s funds, if submitted by 6/20.
Travel Encumbrances Travel encumbrances using sponsored funds will carry forward for 90 days after fiscal year end. On 9/30/08, any open balances will be closed. Travel encumbrances using sponsored funds will carry forward for 90 days after fiscal year end. On 9/30/08, any open balances will be closed. All open encumbrances using non-sponsored funds (including any related registration fees on the same requisition) will be closed by Friday, June 27 th. All open encumbrances using non-sponsored funds (including any related registration fees on the same requisition) will be closed by Friday, June 27 th. If trips are cancelled, or there are remaining funds on a travel encumbrance that has already been fully reimbursed, request closure via the Purchasing Change Request in TechWorks as soon as possible If trips are cancelled, or there are remaining funds on a travel encumbrance that has already been fully reimbursed, request closure via the Purchasing Change Request in TechWorks as soon as possible
Payroll Update Maryann Fogarty Senior Director – HR Service Center
Payroll Update PSF’S HAND DELIVER TO PAYROLL BY: May 16 For May Payroll/Summer Pay June 13 For June Payroll/Summer Pay
Payroll Update TIME DOCUMENTS: TIME EDITOR WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM 8 AM June 5 Through 5PM June 6 8 AM June 19 Through 5PM June 20 OFF CYCLE CHECK REQUESTS: Due in Payroll Wednesday, June 11 by 12:00 Noon
Summer Pay Processing Calendar
Academic Contract Pay All other months start or end pays are prorated based on days worked divided by the total work days in that month. August & May are ½ month pay regardless of the start or end date. Full months are paid September through April.
Robert Ellington Director, SPD Center SPD Update
Early ASRs: For staff and students terminating in May that are under the Plan Confirmation System: In April, SPD Center will query Payroll Database for Terminating Employees in May. (Please have PSF Term actions processed) Send Departments list of Terminating Employees for Early ASRs. Departments will have a week timeframe to ensure distribution is correct for each employee on list. SPD Update
Cont. SPD Center will print early ASRs for each Department and mail. Departments should obtain employee certification on the Early ASRs and return to the SPD Center. – –No changes to the distribution on the early ASR can occur after they are printed or the certification is void and we will have to recertify.
Year End Close Dates: June 30 - Last Day for Paper SPDs July 3 - Last Day for Campus Online SPD Redistributions July 11 - Mail FY08 Annual Statement of Reasonableness Obtain Employee signature Do not sign for employee If employee not available, supervisor or PI sign as First Hand Knowledge (Department Chair in rare instances) UFO sign on separate certification line. July 16 - SPD Open for FY2009 August 29 - Return Signed & Certified ASRs to SPD Ctr. SPD Update
Group Position Budget Load for FY2009 Refresh: For students in Group Positions not in the Budget Load that are paid on Sponsored Funding in June 2008, the following Future Periods will be populated in SPD : o FY09 o Period 1 July - 100% June 2008 distribution (ENC distribution will carry thru to December 2008, Period 6) o Period 7 January - 100% xxx6580/6680 projects (ENC distribution will carry thru to June 2009, Period 12) SPD Update
Group Position Budget Load for FY2009 Refresh: For students in Group Positions not in the Budget Load that are paid on State Funding in June 2008, the following Future Periods will be populated in SPD: o If June 2008 distribution on xxx1111 / xxx1112 (even year) project. o FY09 o Period 1 July - 100% June 2008 distribution o Period 2 August - 50% June 2008 distribution 50% on xxx1200 project SPD Update
Group Position Budget Load for FY2009 Refresh : -Cont. o oPeriod 3 September - 100% on xxx1200 project (ENC distribution will carry thru to June 2009, Period 12) – – If June 2008 on any other State projects FY09 – – Period 1 July - 100% June, 2008 distribution (ENC distribution will carry thru to June 2009, Period 12)
Accounting Services Budgets Bursar Business Services Grants & Contracts Accounting Human Resources/Payroll SPD Center Questions from Audience