1 1 JEE and Deployment Thursday, August 30th ADAM Seminar Cap Hornu – Baie de Somme France
2 2 Agenda Context JEE and related technologies Deployment Fractal Deployment Framework Limitations & Perspectives
3 3 Context Engineer in the ADAM team Deployment concerns –Multi-scale: –PDAs –PCs –Grid Fractal Deployment Framework – Multi-layers: – OS – Middleware – Applications – Generic deployment: abstraction of – platform – access protocol – transfer protocol
4 4 JEE Architecture JDK Containers WEBEJB CommunicationTransactionMail Tools / Applications Vertical dependencies
5 5 JEE Implementations JDK Containers WEBEJB CommunicationTransactionMail Tools / Applications Vertical dependencies
6 6 JEE Implementations JDK Containers WEBEJB CommunicationTransactionMail Tools / Applications Vertical dependencies
7 7 JEE: Orchestration Workflow engine JEE server JDK Web container
8 8 JEE Clustering JASMINe JEE cluster (JOnAS: jcluster) Autonomic Managment Framework (Jade) JDK Cluster Monitoring and Design : JASMINe Each instance has to be deployed by hand
9 9 The JBI technology Java Business Integration Specification for applications running on an Enterprise Service Bus –PEtALS (Fractal-based ESB) –OpenESB Component Oriented Architecture –Service Engines –JBI binding components –Service Assemblies Service Oriented Architecture –SOAP –WSDL JRE JBI components
10 Horizontal Dependencies Business dependencies JDK JEE server Appli 2 ESB JBI ApplicationWorkflow engineAppli 1 Orchestration
11 Deployment Transfer of software binaries Connection to the remote shell Configuration file settings Environment variables settings Software lifecycle : install / configure / start (respecting a correct order) / unconfigure / stop / uninstall Vertical dependencies Horizontal dependencies
12 Deployment JEE deployment Java based applications Interconnection between software (Web containers / JEE servers / JEE Application tools) Management through an HTML console interface
13 FDF: A Generic Deployment Framework FDF is A language –For network description –For software description A deployment engine –FDF core (deployment components, several implementations) –Efficiently deploy the described systems (parallelism) An IHM –Representation of the system –Management of the deployment
14 FDF Language Description of the network adam-network = INTERNET.NETWORK { host-1 = INTERNET.HOST { hostname = INTERNET.HOSTNAME(Name or IP); user = INTERNET.USER(dolet,myPass,~/.ssh/id_rsa); transfer = TRANSFER.SCP; protocol = PROTOCOL.OpenSSH; shell = SHELL.SH; }
15 FDF Language Description of the software instances java = JAVA.JRE { archive = JAVA.ARCHIVE(~/archives/java/JRE_1_5.tgz); home = JAVA.HOME(/tmp/dolet/fdf/jre); host = /adam-network/host-1 }
16 FDF Language Description of the software JAVA.JRE: configure { set-java_home = SHELL.SetVariable(JAVA_HOME,#[home]); add-java-to-path = SHELL.AddPath(%JAVA_HOME%/bin); } PEtALS.SERVER start { petals-start = SHELL.Execute(java -jar #[home]/bin/server.jar); }
17 FDF Personalities Personality = Set of software and properties related to a specific technology implementation Already available: –JOnAS –JBoss –Geronimo –GlassFish –PEtALS –ORCHESTRA –ACTIVEBPEL
18 Projects & Contributions S4ALL (Services For ALL) ITEA Project Deployement of the services infrastructures Demo JOnES RNTL Project Deployment of the JBI infrastructures Demo Integration in industrial applications JOnAS (clusters) JASMINe (bootstrap deployment from an EJB that launch FDF) PEtALS
19 JEE Clustering JEE cluster (JOnAS: jcluster) Autonomic Managment Framework (Jade) JDK Cluster Monitoring and Design : JASMINe EJB configuration FDF.fdf generate run load
20 JOnES Demo: The Travel Agency
21 Travel Agency Deployment
23 S4ALL Demo Java FDF TomcatAntJOnAS OrchestraApplications BPEL FDF
24 Limitations & Perspectives Licence acceptation during software extraction (can't be done automatically) FDF Daemon (recover a previously deployed infrastructure) Error management Enforce FDF language typage (static verifications) FDF Sources annotations for documentation (cf javadoc)
25 Thank you Any questions ?