A Materials Digital Library: Bridging Content and Customers Donald R. Sadoway Department of Materials Science & Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 The Team
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 Thrusts of the Project MatDL facilitating use collection creation of materials content
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 Using MatDL in an educational setting graduate MSE Glotzer (Michigan) Computational Nanoscience of Soft Matter undergraduate MSE Powell (MIT) Introduction to Modeling and Simulation
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 Using MatDL in an educational setting freshman science core Sadoway (MIT) Introduction to Solid State Chemistry (a.k.a )
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 satisfying the chemistry requirement Principles of Chemical Science (5.111) taught by Dept. of Chemistry (5.112) Intro to Solid-State Chemistry (3.091) taught by DMSE focus is the molecule focus is aggregates of molecules
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 the vision of prepares students for their majors provides technical literacy
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, instruction teaches the principles of chemistry via the solid state engineering applications integrates subject matter from beyond chemistry context
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 syllabus of . General Principles of Chemistry . Solid State Chemistry: Basic Concepts and Applications
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 snapshot of Fall 2003 enrollment 625 (class size 1015) lectures MWF (chalk & talk w/ AVs) recitations TR (30 sections) weekly sample problems w/ solutions weekly 10-minute quiz monthly test (aid sheet) final exam (aid sheet)
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 special features of concepts illustrated by examples last 5 minutes each lecture on Chemistry and the World Around Us references to music, art, film, & literature references to historical development of science: people & times context
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, calendar: lecture schedule, readings, tests recorded lectures webcast homework, model solutions, handouts courseware p archival materials: old exams and homeworks links to interesting sites off campus
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 Freshman chemistry laboratory? - no freshman Chemistry lab experience at this time - January, 2002 ABET/Sloan Foundation colloquy: To what extent does a remote laboratory experience accomplish the goals of educational laboratories? - 13 learning objectives identified: only 3 required in situ physical interaction
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 MatDL as a virtual laboratory? - can such a virtual laboratory deliver meaningful experience to large freshman classes? - if so, the results are scalable and broadly applicable, e.g., mechanics, electricity & magnetism, physical chemistry, organic chemistry…
Sadoway NSDL Annual Meeting, Washington, DCOctober 14, 2003 Cultivating users