MANUSCRIPTORIUM: COOPERATING, NETWORKING, VIRTUALIZING Zdeněk Uhlíř National Library of the Czech Republic Zagreb
THE IDEA OF MANUSCRIPTORIUM an aggregation of data an integration of services a personalisation of scholarly work a virtualisation of environment
FROM THE HISTORY… 1991/2 – first attempts 1995/6 – the beginning of a systematic digitization in the Czech NL 2003/4 – creating Manuscriptorium as an aggregated resource 2007/9 – a fundamental step to the European (eventually global) level
PROJECTS individual steps in the progress of building Manuscriptorium specific tasks concerning an aggregation of data an integration of services a personalisation of environment a virtualisation of scholarly work
MASTER ( ) acronym: Manuscript Access through STandard for Electronic Records full partners De Montfort University, Leicester, UK Oxford University Computing Services, UK Institut de Recherche et d´Histoire des Textes, France Royal Library, The Hague, Netherlands Copenhagen University, Denmark National Library of the Czech Republic, Czechlands
VICODI ( ) acronym: VIsual COntextualisation of DIgital content full partners SYSTRAN, s.a., France RIDEMO, s.i.a., Latvia Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H., Austria Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe, Germany University of Newcastle, UK National Library of the Czech Republic, Czechlands University of East Anglia, UK
COMTOOCI ( ) acronym: COMputational TOOls for the librarian and philological work in Cultural Institution full partners Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, Pisa, Italy Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria National Library of the Czech Republic, Czechlands Institute for Bulgarian Language, Sofia, Bulgaria
ECH: TOPICC ( ) acronym: Endangered Cultural Heritage: TOols for Preservation, Invetsigation, and Coypright Clearance full partners Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania Public Company Visoriai Information Technologies Park, Vilnius, Lithuania National Library of the Czech Republic, Czechlands iTEL, Informatics & Telematics Ltd/ R&D Unit, Athens, Greece Cultural and Educational Technology Institute (CETI), Xanthi, Greece Business Systems International SA, Athens, Greece Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L, Madrid, Spain Videostudio of Rezekne Higher School, Latvia Kolonasata museum of Fr. Trasuns, Latvia Graphical data processing centre, Rostock, Germany
ENRICH ( ) acronym: European Networking Resources and Information Concerning Cultural Heritage full partners National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czechlands Cross Czech, a.s., Czechlands AiP Beroun, s.r.o., Czechlands Oxford University Computing Services, UK Centro per la communicazione e l´integrazione dei media, Florence, Italy SYSTRAN, s.a., Paris, France Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania National Library of Spain, Madrid, Spain Nordic Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Florence, Italy University Library, Wrocław, Poland Arne Magnusson Institute, Reyskjavík, Iceland Computer Science fot the Humanities, Cologne, Germany St. Pölten Diocese Archive, Austria National and University Library of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary Supercomputing and Networking Centre, Poznań, Poland University Library, Vilnius, Lithuania
REDISCOVER ( ) acronym: REunion of DISpersed COntent: Virtual Evaluation and Reconstruction full partners National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czechlands National Library of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania National Library of Poland, Warsaw, Poland National Library of Romania, Bucharest, Romania
EMBARK ( ) acronym: Enhance Manuscriptorium through BAlkan Recovered Knowledge full partners National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czechlands Veria Central Public Library, Veria, Greece Institute for Bulgarian Language, Sofia, Bulgaria National Library of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
LEVELS OF RESOURCE BUILDING an aggregation of data an integration of services a personalised tools and speheres catalogue records images full texts music notation comparison of full texts comparison of images a virtual environment
AN AGGREGATION OF DATA database and information system relating to the end user not a mere replica of a physical library surpasses significantly the opportunities that were offered by the traditional scientific infrastructure descriptive metadata, i.e. catalogue entries, are aggregated, and they are converted to a uniform format joint search finds manuscripts
AN INTEGRATION OF SERVICES service is a new concept in relation to the manuscript sphere it already affects some elements of actual research work whatever exists only in traditional printed or written and other, simply analogue form does not exist
PERSONALISED TOOLS AND SPHERES a user´s own digital space a possibility to accumulate the results of previous work one’s own tools for acquiring results as well as for their further processing and subsequent utilisation for himself/herself to other selected persons to all users
CATALOGUE RECORDS variants of descriptive records a subject specific a musicology a history of arts analytical descriptions in-depth description of manuscript content composition/structure of intellectual units of higher level individual intellectual units of lower levels
IMAGES black & white optimisation details UV scanning (for palimpsests) …
FULLTEXTS a fluid text a contextual edition
A MUSIC NOTATION a written record of music a text in the semiotic meaning an edition in a similar sense like a textual edition
A COMPARISON OF FULLTEXTS based on vectoral statistics working with XML, HTML, TXT a numerical-statistical representation of results a graphical representation of results
A COMPARISON OF IMAGES distinguishing and selecting: a text, a music notation, an illumination, a border, a diagramm, a table finding the same or a very similar illumination finding the same or a very similar detail of illumination finding a similar composition of figurative and/or non-figurative illumination …
A VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT a virtualisation of knowledge a path of how to uncover implicit, not only explicit, features of the objects culturomics back to the digitisation of the written and a documentary heritage
THE FUTURE… continuing the same way a cooperation with more and more partners an aggregation of data and metadata a more close network an integration of services a virtualisation of the networked digital environment a personal space external tools an interoperabilty webservices
THANK YOU ♥☺♥ Zdeněk Uhlíř