EPHA Presentation Lobbying the EU institutions: Why and how? Lobbying the EU institutions: Why and How? Prague, Thursday 23 February 2006 EPHA, CAL and SKOK workshop “Strengthening the networking on public health in Czech Republic” Anne Hoel, EPHA – European Public Health Alliance
EPHA Presentation Workshop session outline Presentation: the EU policy-making process, the different actors and the NGO role Presentation of the case study: Health and Consumer Programme Work in different groups and presentation of the results Presentation of EPHA experience and final overview of lobbying activities
EPHA Presentation Part 1: EU policy making processes, the different actors and the NGO role
EPHA Presentation The European Commission Voice of the common interest Official role as the ‘Guardian of the Treaty’. It has the sole right to initiate legislation, and monitors implementation of EU laws. If Member States do not implement laws adequately the Commission can start infringement procedures. Commissioners are appointed by the Member States but are required to act in the ‘European interest’ and not of their home country. They are supported by a Cabinet, usually of political appointees. Directorates-General are the core EU civil service, responsible for drafting EU legislation, organising public consultations and the day-to-day business of the EU.
EPHA Presentation The European Parliament: Direct voice of the citizens Elected for 5 years by the citizens of the EU to represent their interests. 732 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from 25 countries EU-wide parties Job: pass “European Laws” (together with the Council of Ministers), approve the annual and multi annual budgets of the EU Power to dismiss the European Commission More info on
EPHA Presentation The Council of Ministers: Voice of the Member States The EU is a union of Member States. The highest political and legislative authority is the European Council which consists of Member States. The Council of Ministers shares with the Parliament the responsibility for passing laws and taking policy decisions. It also bears the main responsibility for what the EU does in the field of the common foreign and security policy and for EU action on some justice and freedom issues. The Council consists of ministers from the national governments of all the EU countries. Meetings are attended by whichever ministers are responsible for the items to be discussed: foreign ministers, ministers of the economy and finance, ministers for agriculture, etc… National civil servants posted to Brussels meet weekly to prepare the Ministerial meetings. They receive instructions from their governments and the meetings establish the basic positions of each country.
EPHA Presentation Role of NGOs and networking Many EU policies have an impact – direct or indirect – on the health of EU citizens 15,000 to 20,000 lobbyists in Brussels and ONLY 10% are NGOs representing citizens’ interests What is the difference between NGOs and lobbyists Networking and alliances are the ONLY way to make our voice heard - You are unlikely to succeed alone. Use other NGOs resources rather than “re-invent the wheel” on your own. Example: EU Health Policy Forum
EPHA Presentation CASE STUDY: The Health and Consumer Programme PART 2: CASE STUDY - THE HEALTH AND CONSUMER PROGRAMME Presentation of the case study Work in small groups
EPHA Presentation CASE STUDY: The Health and Consumer Programme: overview 1/2 Public Health Programme : health information, health threats and health determinants Commission proposes a joint programme: New Consumer and Health Programme new strands: deliver response to health threats, prevent diseases and injuries and achieve synergies between national health systems Increased budget: 1,203 million EUR
EPHA Presentation CASE STUDY: The Health and Consumer Programme: Overview 2/2 Weak legal text Introduces core funding for European networks of health NGOs Differenciates national agencies: they would only get 50% co-financing for projects (Vs NGOs that would get 60%) Emphasizes the importance of communication campaigns, specially towards young people Budget: very ambitious objectives and activities, increased budget but not enough Lobby for “1 EUR for health” (1 EUR for each European citizen).
EPHA Presentation CASE STUDY: The Health and Consumer Programme - Objectives of EPHA lobbying campaign Strengthening the legal text Establishing clear criterias for NGOs that will receive core funding Increase the levels of co-financing for projects Budget: Increase the overall budget to match the ambitions “1 EUR for health” (1 EUR for each European citizen).
EPHA Presentation CASE STUDY: The Health and Consumer Programme TIME FOR WORK!!! Imagine that you’re part of the EPHA Secretariat.... And You and your Members have to achieve the objectives that I have just set out. What would you do?
EPHA Presentation CASE STUDY: The Health and Consumer Programme - TIPS Target audience: - The European Commission - The European Parliament - The Council - Other NGOs - EPHA members - Medias Would you meet the 732 MEPs? Would you talk to each representative of Member States? or meet each government? Would you organise sit- in protests in front of the European Council? Would you involve citizens?
EPHA Presentation CASE STUDY: The Health and Consumer Programme - TIPS Information + context = communication Background - what is the issue, the processes and timeframe? Define your messages - what do you want to say? What is unique or special about your position? Identify your targets - who takes the decisions? Who do they listen to? What is important to them? Select your vehicles - activities, events, information releases, meetings, conferences, media relations, demonstrations Check the landscape - who are your allies and opponents? Track their messages and respond.
EPHA Presentation Conclusions: Lobbying the EU institutions: how and why? PART 3: CONCLUSIONS - LOBBYING THE EU INSTITUTIONS: HOW AND WHY? Theoretical framework Health and Consumer Programme example
EPHA Presentation Conclusion: Lobbying and the role of NGOs in Brussels – Defining lobbying Direct lobbying: Stating your position on specific legislation to legislators or other government employees who participate in the formulation of legislation, or urge your members to do so. Grassroots lobbying: Stating your position on legislation to the general public and asking the general public to contact legislators or other government employees who participate in the formulation of legislation.
EPHA Presentation Conclusion: Who do we lobby? European Commission - Role in policy formulation and drafting legislation. European Parliament - accessible, the ‘people’s representatives’, key role in legislation. European Council - Policy and position tracking in Brussels, lobby at the national level. Other actors - think tanks and academics, NGOs, trade associations, UN agencies, trade unions, local and regional authorities, media, embassies, World Health Organisation.
EPHA Presentation Conclusion: Roles of the NGO sector Monitor, analyse and inform > what is happening in the institutions? What are the new policy trends, legal proposals? > what could this mean for your member organisations or target group? What actions are needed - passive monitoring or active lobbying? > explain the background of the issue, basic elements of the proposal, the timeframe for action Raise awareness – within our membership and other NGOs - ensure that members understand the implications for them and their issues of this policy or legislation Engage and consult - encourage debate, exchange of ideas, brainstorm on what should be the goals of lobbying. Gather viewpoints from communities and target groups - particularly those affected by the policy proposal
EPHA Presentation Conclusion: Roles of the NGO sector Challenge - the policy-makers and other stakeholders to address concerns or provide evidence and arguments for their positions Empower - provide the tools for NGOs to act, eg draft letters, opportunities to sign-up, attend meetings with policy-makers. Represent - bringing forward the diversity of voices of civil society, public interest, visibility through the media. Follow-up - keep up the momentum, follow the policy through to implementation, evaluation and review
EPHA Presentation Conclusion: Health and Consumer Programme – EPHA activities We monitored the activities (knowing the different actors, the timetable, etc...) so as to transmit the knowledge to our members and act in a timely manner Raised awareness among our members with briefing and meetings: decision by EPHA members that it was a priority for EPHA Engaged debate and drafted position paper with EPHA members Empowered our members with voting list, amendments, key contacts, etc... Used EPHA as an alliance with each member lobbying on a particular issue and EPHA secretariat on the funding part
EPHA Presentation Conclusion: Health and Consumer Programme – EPHA activities Lobbying the Commission: meetings and exchange of s when they were drafting the HCP European Parliament: 2 conferences organised with the Commissioner for Health and Health attachés + contact and meetings with key MEPs + drafting amendments + voting list + letter Lobbying the Council? EPHA members at national level, in their own language, to their own contacts
EPHA Presentation Conclusion: Health and Consumer Programme – EPHA activities Consultation of other NGOs (eg consumer organisations) Representing EPHA members in different conferences Media articles Follow-up
EPHA Presentation Conclusion: Health and Consumer Programme – Timetable One of the main committees of the European Parliament has adopted the HC programme Consistent with our approach - Most of our amendments were adopted (but the budget) Now, it needs to be endorsed by the whole EP – March 2006 And the Council (vote expected in June) YOUR TIME TO LOBBY!!!!!!
EPHA Presentation European Public Health Alliance Rue d´Arlon B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel : Fax :