ISO ILL, NISO NCIP or OpenURL? ELAG 2005 workshop 2 report Ed. Poul Henrik Jørgensen.


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Presentation transcript:

ISO ILL, NISO NCIP or OpenURL? ELAG 2005 workshop 2 report Ed. Poul Henrik Jørgensen

ILL Workshop2 ELAG05/PHJ Workshop Participants Alojz Androvic, University Library in Bratislava, Slovakia Janifer Gatenby, OCLC PICA, Netherlands Poul Henrik Jørgensen, Portia I/S, Denmark  Moderator Iris H. Marthaler, Swiss National Library, Switzerland Katri Vänttinen, AMKIT Consortium, Finland Petr Zabicka, Moravian Library, Czech Republic

ILL Workshop3 ELAG05/PHJ Introduction The task of this workshop is to evaluate different IT-standards that support bibliographic resource sharing including the ISO Interlibrary Loan (ILL), the NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP) and the OpenURL Framework. The objective is to propose a general set of informal guidelines with recommendations about which standards to use for different types of resource sharing tasks. Ref.:

ILL Workshop4 ELAG05/PHJ Background ISO 10160/10162 Interlibrary Loan Application protocol is complex and difficult to implement in modern Web service applications.  ILL is not necessarily relevant to emerging scenarios where users download copies of electronic resources on-line.  Other standards including NCIP and OpenURL may be better suited to certain types of resource sharing applications.

ILL Workshop5 ELAG05/PHJ Discussion Points What types of resource sharing scenarios are most relevant to support? What is the current status of ISO ILL, NCIP and OpenURL in terms of actual usage? Are other standards relevant in relation to resource sharing, e.g. for authentication or IPR management? Is ISO ILL obsolete in relation to current Web service technologies? Could NCIP handle some of the same tasks as ISO ILL? Is the OpenURL framework suited to support other types of resource sharing? Is SRW relevant as a basis for resource sharing Web services?

ILL Workshop6 ELAG05/PHJ ISO ILL Protocol ISO 10160/10162 Interlibrary Loan Application protocol (ILL) Comprehensive protocol for ILL transactions between libraries Asyncronous peer-to-peer protocol with complex state tables is difficult to implement and test Designed before emergence of Web services and XML Number of (interoperable) implementations < 25

ILL Workshop7 ELAG05/PHJ NISO NCIP NISO Z39.83 Circulation Interchange Protocol (NCIP) Protocol for interaction between circulations control systems  E.g. self-service terminals cf. “3M Protocol” Designed as client-server protocol with XML messages Assumes that a specific physical item is identified beforehand Number of implementations < 50

ILL Workshop8 ELAG05/PHJ NISO OpenURL NISO OpenURL Framework defines an extensible mechanism to identify bibliographic resources via URL or XML messages on the Web Implicitly oriented towards non-mediated requests Details of the response is not specified within the OpenURL framework Number of implementations > 100

ILL Workshop9 ELAG05/PHJ ZiNG SRW/SRU ZiNG Search & Retrieve Web service with CQL query language:  SRW use HTTP with SOAP encoding  SRU use HTTP with URL encoding General facilities for diagnostic messages and machine readable service specifications Extensible mechanism to carry other transactions messages than queries Number of implementations < 50

ILL Workshop10 ELAG05/PHJ Holdings Information MARC21 Bibliographic Record  Simple unstructured holdings information MARC21 Holdings Record  Structured holdings information  Z39.50 Holdings XML Schema  Structure derived from MARC21 Holdings Record 

ILL Workshop11 ELAG05/PHJ EDI Book Trade Transaction messages for book trade  EDIFACT and XML message formats  Books Product Information  ONIX  XML messages 

ILL Workshop12 ELAG05/PHJ Material Types Wanted Item Electronic Link via resolver Non Electronic In Print Out of Print In copyright Out of copyright By Janifer Gatenby

ILL Workshop13 ELAG05/PHJ Request Scenarios 1. Mediation 1. Mediated request via library 2. Unmediated request by user 2. Material type 1. Electronic resource 2. Physical material 3. Disposition of material 1. Returnable material 2. Disposable copy

ILL Workshop14 ELAG05/PHJ Solution Components ISO ILL xml mesages  Transaction messages OpenURL  Identify and deliver materials NCIP  Transaction messages ZiNG SRW/SRU  Client-server transactions and diagnostics

ILL Workshop15 ELAG05/PHJ Usage Options ISOILLNCIPOpen URL SRW- SRU LDAPEDI- tEUR ONIX ftp Hol- dings Find identification+ Extract Identifier++++ Authenticate user++ Submit request Acknowledge req Delivery notification Deliver material++++ Return material+++