Flowers for Algernon By Daniel Keyes. Build Background Rorschach Test: A psychological test for revealing the underlying personality structure of an individual.


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Presentation transcript:

Flowers for Algernon By Daniel Keyes

Build Background Rorschach Test: A psychological test for revealing the underlying personality structure of an individual by the use of a standard series of 10 inkblot designs to which the person responds by telling what image or emotion each design evokes.

What Do You See?

Now What Do You See?

Preview Questions – Homework. Paragraph Answers 1.What does mentally challenged mean? Do you know anyone who is mentally challenged? Explain how you know them or know of them. woke up tomorrow and realized you had become a genius. What would your initial reaction be? 3.Imagine …now that you are a genius! What might the reactions of your family and friends be? What drawbacks would there be if you became a genius overnight? Think. Explain.

EXAMPLE: Journal Entry One Sept. ___, 2015 Unfamiliar Words 1. term: definition 2. term: definition Questions of the Day NUMBER AND ANSWER EACH QUESTION IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE. USE DETAIL AND EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT. CITE PAGE #. MAKING CONNECTIONS: CHOOSE ONE and List the type of connection 1.TEXT TO SELF 2.TEXT TO TEXT 3.TEXT TO WORLD. Now explain the connection in detail

Journal Entry One DATE Read pages Progress Report March 5 – March 19 Unfamiliar Words: define 1. inkblot. 2. Einstein’s theory of relativity 3. motivation 4. fountain pen Question of the Day: ANSWER EACH QUESTION IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE, USING DETAIL AND EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT. (CITE PAGE #.) 1. How has the author described Charlie? How does Charlie handle his testing? 2. What is the conflict between Dr.Strauss and Dr. Nemur? 3. Now that you have read this progress report, do you think Charlie will be a credible narrator? Why or Why not? MAKING CONNECTIONS: CHOOSE ONE and List the type of connection 1.TEXT TO SELF 2.TEXT TO TEXT 3.TEXT TO WORLD. Now explain the connection in detail

Fountain Pen

Sample: Question of the Day How has the author described Charlie? The author describes Charlie as a 37 year old man with an I.Q. of 68. (page 33) However, for having such low mental abilities he was able to read and write, and “he has a good natcher, he is interested, and eager to please.” (page 36)

Journal Entry Two Date: Page March 23-April 17 Unfamiliar Words: define 1.Subconscious 2.conscious 3. potted 4.Robinson Crusoe Questions of the Day: ANSWER EACH QUESTION IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE, USING DETAIL AND EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT. CITE PAGE #. 1.How has Charlie’s spelling changed? What does this change indicate? 2. Describe Charlie’s workplace. How do his co-workers behave? 3.Why does Dr. Strauss give Charlie the “crazy TV”? What is its purpose? MAKING CONNECTIONS: CHOOSE ONE and List the type of connection 1. TEXT TO SELF 1.TEXT TO TEXT 2.TEXT TO WORLD. Now explain the connection in detail

Dr. Strauss’ Journal Progress report 4 - March 8-15 Based on what Charlie described in Progress Report #4, write a journal entry as if you were Dr. Strauss. Think about what Dr. Strauss might report in his entry after his session with Charlie. Be sure to write it as if you were Dr. Strauss. Paragraph 1- What is his opinion of Charlie? How does he react to all of the questions Charlie asks? Paragraph 2- Is he (Dr. Strauss) hopeful about the operation? Write two paragraphs for you entry.

Journal Entry ThreeDate: pages (April 18- April 30) Unfamiliar Words : 1.misled, 2.feeble, 3.shrew, 4.opportunist Question of the Day: ANSWER EACH QUESTION IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE, USING DETAIL AND EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT. CITE PAGE #. 1.What happens when Charlie goes out with Joe and Frank? What does it mean to pull a “Charlie Gordon”? 2. Now that Charlie is becoming aware of his past limitations, how does he connect intelligence to the way people treat each other? 3. (Parallel Episode.) Analyze Charlie’s attitude toward lying in this episode compared to the last time he took the Rorschach test. How has his attitude changed? 4. How are Charlie’s tone and personality changing? Does he seem to be a more or less credible (trusting) character? MAKING CONNECTIONS: CHOOSE ONE and List the type of connection 1.TEXT TO SELF 2.TEXT TO TEXT 3.TEXT TO WORLD. Now explain the connection in detail

–Joe Carp – Frank Reilly – Miss Kinnion CHOOSE ONE FROM BELOW: –Joe Carp – Frank Reilly – Miss Kinnion April 3 (page 40) Based on what Charlie described in Progress Report #9 write a journal entry as if you were Joe Carp or Frank Reilly. P1= Think about what Joe or Frank might report about the incident. Did they think it was funny? Why? P2= Do they like Charlie? Do they know they are being mean and does it bother them? April 9-15 Based on what Charlie described in Progress Report #9 write a journal entry as if you were Miss Kinnian. P1= Think about how Miss Kinnian feels about Charlie. Is she hopeful or scared about the operation? P2= Does she see any progress with Charlie? Does she get tired of answering his questions? Write two paragraphs for your entry.

Journal Entry Four pages (May 15 – June 5) Date: Unfamiliar Words: 1.Inferiority complex (Inferior) and (Complex) 2.naiveté 3. regression 4. obscure 5. deterioration Question of the Day: ANSWER EACH QUESTION IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE, USING DETAIL AND EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT. CITE PAGE #. 1.How does the dishwasher’s experience resemble episodes from Charlie’s own life? 2.What discovery does Charlie make about himself in the diner? 3.What changes is Algernon experiencing? What has Charlie learned about his condition? MAKING CONNECTIONS: CHOOSE ONE and List the type of connection 1.TEXT TO SELF 2.TEXT TO TEXT 3.TEXT TO WORLD. Now explain the connection in detail

Journal Entry Five Date Pages June 10- July 28 Unfamiliar Words: 1. absent-minded, 2.introspective, 3. sensation Question of the Day: ANSWER EACH QUESTION IN A COMPLETE SENTENCE, USING DETAIL AND EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT. CITE PAGE #. 1. What has Charlie learned about his condition and what is happening to Charlie? 2. What details in the journal entry of July 7 suggest Charlie’s increasing decline? 3. Why does Charlie send Miss Kinnian away? 4. What is the resolution of the subplot of Charlie’s relationship with his co-workers? 5. How does Charlie’s plan to leave New York reveal what he is thinking and feeling about his experience? MAKING CONNECTIONS: CHOOSE ONE and List the type of connection 1.TEXT TO SELF 2.TEXT TO TEXT 3.TEXT TO WORLD. Now explain the connection in detail

Mrs. Flynn’s Journal July 7-24 Based on what Charlie described in Progress Report #12 write a journal entry as if you were Mrs. Flynn. Think about how Mrs. Flynn feels about Charlie. Is she hopeful or scared about the changes in Charlie? What if any concerns may she have about him? Write two paragraphs for your entry

Journal Entry Six Date: Question of the Day: Do not copy question – Just answer in complete sentences. 1.What happened to Charlie in this story? 2.At the end of the story, how does Charlie feel about what happened? 3.In Charlie’s case, was ignorance bliss? Decide whether he would have been better off if he had not had the operation. 3.Now that we have completed the story, do you feel that such experimentation should have been done on a human being?

Literary Perspective At the beginning of the story, Charlie’s credibility as a narrator is affected by his intelligence. How does his credibility change as he becomes smarter. Explain which Charlie you found more trustworthy – the original Charlie or the altered (changed) Charlie. 2 paragraph answer.