Slovakia / Slovensko Capital city: Bratislava Area: 49,036 km 2 Population - 5,445,324 Official language: Slovak
Location / Poloha The Slovak Republic is an independent state situated in the interior of Central Europe. Borders with: Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Ukraine Time Zone: CET (UTC+1) The highest point: Gerlachovský štít: 2,655 meters Major rivers: Danube (Dunaj), Váh,
Capital city / Hlavné mesto Bratislava The largest city in Slovakia Population: Situated in Danube, in south-west part of Slovakia Bussiness, cultural, political and eductional centrum Typical symbol is Bratislavský castle (hrad) with four towers
Religion / Náboženstvo Majority of the population are Roman Catholics, but in Slovakia is 16 registered churches and religious communities The most important churches: Roman catholic, Greek catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession
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Places Places TO SEE
Wooden churches
High Tatras / Vysoké Tatry
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