Germany Clare Emery Geography For Teachers
FACTS The Germans call it Deutschland In the aftermath of World War II, Germany was divided into eastern and western halves Berlin Wall was built in August 1961, Germans could travel freely back and forth between East and West Germany Neighboring Countries (9): Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland
Berlin Wall would become a stark symbol of both the Cold War and a divided Germany until its amazing collapse in November 1989 The collapse of the Soviet Union and other historical events led to rapid changes in the world map and the political landscape
Official Name: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, BRD (Federal Republic of Germany, FRG) Government: Federal republic; parliamentary democracy with two legislative bodies: the Bundestag (lower house of representatives) and the Bundesrat (upper house); members of the Bundestag serve a term of four years. About half are elected by direct mandate (representing a specific district), while the others are "listed candidates" who are elected in a "second vote" system in which voters also select a second choice. Members of the Bundesrat are selected by the 16 state (Bundesland) parliaments. FACTS
FACTS Chancellor: Angela Merkel (since 2005) - The office of chancellor is similar to that of a prime minister in a parliamentary system of government President: Joachim Gauck (sworn in on March 18, 2012), Christian Wulff (June 2010-Feb. 17, 2012*), Horst Köhler ( ) - The office of German president is a largely ceremonial position with no political power. The president normally serves a term of five years (max. 2 terms). He or she is elected by a special body made up of members of the Bundestag, state parliament (Landtag) delegates and public figures. *Wulff resigned on Feb. 17, 2012 after a series of financial and ethical scandals. His successor (Gauck) took office a month later.
FACTS Approximately 137,847 sq miles Population of 81.8 million most populous country in the European Union Capitol City: Berlin (since Oct. 3, 1990), Bonn (West Germany, ) Largest Cities: Berlin 3,274,500, Hamburg 1,686,100, Munich1,185,400, Cologne 965,300, Frankfurt am Main 648,000, Essen 588,800, Dortmund 587,600, Stuttgart 581,100, Düsseldorf 568,900, Bremen 527,900, Hanover 516,300, Duisburg 513,400
Ethnicity: German 91.5%, Turkish 2.4%, Italian 0.7%, Greek 0.4%, Polish 0.4%, other 4.6% Religions: Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Muslim 4%, Jewish 0.1%, unaffiliated or other 28% Use the Euro as their main currency GDP: $3.6 trillion, 4th in the world (2011 est.)
FACTS German is the official language spoken one of 23 official languages in the European Union most used immigrant languages are Turkish, Kurdish, Polish, the Balkan languages, and Russian Historically Germany has been called Das Land der Dichter und Denker ("the land of poets and thinkers")
Germany has established a high level of gender equality,[171] promotes disability rights, and is legally and socially tolerant towards homosexuals. Gays and lesbians can legally adopt their partner's biological children, and civil unions have been permitted since 2001.gender equality[171]disability rightscivil unions German cuisine varies from region to region. The southern regions of Bavaria and Swabia, for instance, share a culinary culture with Switzerland and Austria. In all regions, meat is often eaten in sausage formBavaria