© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. 1 Chapter 21 Creating PivotTables and PivotCharts Excel 2003, Volume 2 by Karen J. Jolly
2© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Outcomes Create a PivotTable and PivotChart to visually organize data and quickly change the view of the data for analysis. Publish a PivotTable as a Web page.
3© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Introduction to PivotTables and PivotCharts PivotTable — Interactive tool that allows data to be viewed in different ways to answer common questions for business planning. PivotChart—Assists with analysis of data by providing visual indicators of the history and future trends of data.
4© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. What is a PivotTable? An interactive table that summarizes large amounts of data. Rows and columns can be rearranged quickly to view data in different ways. Example: a firm records sales by month, by product, by store, and by salesperson. A PivotTable summarizes the sales by each of these categories.
5© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Database and PivotTable Database PivotTable
6© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Drop-Down List of Other PivotTable Choices
7© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. PivotTable Wizard
8© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Plan a PivotTable
9© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. The Page Field Completed in a PivotTable
10© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. A Completed Pivot Table Use the drop down arrow to change the PivotTable. The amount of sales for each salesperson can be rearranged in many different orders in this PivotTable.
11© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Facts About the PivotTable There are four drop areas of the PivotTable; Page Fields, Column Fields, Row Fields, and Data Items. A field is a category of data in the source data. Column and row fields are the labels from the original worksheet and are listed on the expanded toolbar. The Page field is a field that is selected from the toolbar and is a filter for the entire PivotTable Report. This field will have an arrow to display a single item or all of the items.
12© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. More About PivotTables Data items — Numeric values within the worksheet. Each data item can be entered separately on the PivotTable; the choices of data items correspond with the row and column labels. An item is a member of the field; it is a unique entry in the field. The data field provides values to be summarized, usually numbers.
13© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Format the PivotTable The PivotTable Report may be formatted; using AutoFormat is the quickest method. First, select the range of the report. Then access the PivotTable toolbar and click on the Format Report button.
14© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. AutoFormat Dialog Box Formats designed for a PivotTable
15© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Move Data Within the PivotTable Data can be rearranged directly on the PivotTable without needing to drag fields back to the PivotTable Field List—and then moving them back to a new position in the PivotTable.
16© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard Another way to create a PivotTable
17© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Completed Layout
18© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. PivotTable Sort and Top 10 Top 5 List
19© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Creating A PivotChart Report A PivotChart Report is interactive and visually shows the relationship of the PivotTable data. The chart can show different views quickly when accessing the menu. 1.Select a cell in an existing PivotTable. 2.Click in the Chart Wizard button on the PivotTable toolbar.
20© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. PivotChart
21© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Create a Web PivotTable A PivotTable report on a web page may be interactive.
22© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Consolidate to a PivotTable
23© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. PivotTable Selection
24© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc. Consolidated PivotTable
25© Scott/Jones Publishing, Inc.