Life in Kindergarten What every parent needs to know...
ELA Reading: ●Concepts of print, including reading left to right, top to bottom, that words and print have meaning and purpose. Understand the difference between a letter, word and sentence. ●Reading Strategies/Decoding Strategies ●Comprehension of nonfiction, fiction (retell, connections, predictions) Phonics: ●phonemic awareness including: rhyme, initial, final and medial sounds, word families “-at” like cat, hat, bat ●Phonics: Letter sound relationships, blending sounds to read words, spelling simple words using letter/sound knowledge “phonemic spelling”
ELA Continued Writing: Use writing Process to communicate thoughts and ideas, left to right progression, Top to bottom, illustrations matches words. Handwriting: form uc and lc letters correctly without reversals. Oral Language: vocabulary and grammar development. Listening Skills and Comprehension: Listen attentively, ask questions to clarify information and follow oral directions. DRA: Developmental Reading Assessment. Your child should be at a level 3 by the end of Kindergarten. *1st 9 weeks: Level A *2nd 9 weeks: Level 1 *3rd 9 weeks: Level 2 *4th 9 weeks: Level 3
Math Math in Kindergarten focuses on acquiring skills that help children solve problems in everyday, real world situations. Math is hands-on. The students use manipulatives to explore and learn mathematical concepts.
Math Strands and Skills The strands covered include: number operations, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and personal financial literacy. The skills covered include: oral counting, counting objects, comparing sets of quantities, identify shapes and attributes, counting forward & backward to 20, collect, sort, and organize data, identify coins, basic measurement.
Science and Social Studies Science Matter and Energy: states of matter and how they change Force and Motions: How things move Earth and Space: What’s in the sky, rocks, soil, seasons, weather Organisms and Environments: Living and nonliving, parts and life cycle of a plant We use science tools and our 5 senses to explore science. We record findings in science journals. Social Studies Holidays and Celebrations of events Locations and authority figures Landforms, bodies of water, natural resources and weather Human characteristics: jobs, basic needs, wants vs needs Citizenship
What is RtI? Response to Intervention 1.Student is identified by screening or teacher assessment as needing some support. 2.A goal is determined. 3.A research based intervention is chosen, implemented and documented 4.If goal is reached, SUCCESS! If a goal is not met, a new goal may be determined, OR it may be decided that the child begins receiving Title 1 support. This means they will see a reading specialist or an interventionist during RtI time in the morning. *RtI can be used to support academics and behavior. *RtI may or may not be necessary on a long term basis.
End of Year Expectations ELA Children who may be successful in First Grade will be able to: ●Read 25+ sight words ●Read independently on DRA level 3(C), developing on a DRA 4(D) ●Retell a story (BME), characters, setting, problem and solution. ●Decode simple CVC, words. (cat, cape) ●Write 3 complete sentences using: an uppercase letter at the beginning of each sentence, spacing between words and punctuation at the end.
End of year expectations Math Children who will be successful in First Grade will be able to: ●Count fluently to 100 ●Count objects to 20 ●Recognize numbers out of sequence to 20 ●Add and subtract, with manipulatives, to 10 ●Identify and name attributes of 2D and 3D shapes ●Match numerals to a set of objects between 0-20 ●Comparing length, capacity and weight of objects
Book-in-a-Bag Your child will be learning to read in Kindergarten! They learn emergent reading skills/strategies, sight words, and comprehension skills. Students will participate in Guided Reading several days a week, and will receive a book to read at home. It should be read and returned daily in the daily folder. A DRA level 3 is considered “on level” by the end of the year.
Daily Folders Your child’s folder differs per classroom teacher: *all include: book-in-a-bag (...when we begin) We ask that you read with your child every night. When book-in-a-bag comes home, please have your child read it nightly in addition to any other books you enjoy together. Repeated reading of books they know builds fluency!
Our Schedule Morning 7:35-7:45 Bell Work, Announcements 7:45-8:45 RtI (½ Math, ½ Reading) 8:45-9:45 Writing (Shared Writing, Writers workshop) 9:45-10:40 ELA (Word Wall, Morning Message, Read Aloud, Shared Reading, Guided Reading/Centers) 10:45-11:15 Lunch Afternoon 11:15-11:45Recess 11:50-12:45 Specials 12:45-1:50 Math 1:50-2:35Science 2:40 Dismissal Specials schedules vary based on class, but include: Physical Education, Music, Art PLC (Professional Learning Community) Once per week, students get an extra specials class. This is a time used for professional collaboration, with specialists, administrators and grade level teams.
Discipline We use a similar system of rewards and consequences. We follow district matrix for behavior. This is detailed in the district handbook.
Thank you for coming and taking an interest in your child’s education! Teachers will be available in their classrooms to answer your specific questions.