学术英语的难点 Come Here Go Further 沈忆文 & 班哲民
规划篇学术篇素养篇 北外与普特第一期合作
学术英语的难点 Come Here Go Further 沈忆文 & 班哲民
What is academic English? 1 What is your strength and weakness ? How can you improve it? All about academic English 2 3
What is academic English? 1 All about academic English
What is academic English? As students prepare for academic work at a U.S. university, they learn to analyze (分析), synthesize (综合), and evaluate (评估) information and to present (表述) their spoken and written ideas accurately and effectively.
学术英语 不仅需要语言知识 (词汇和语法) 更多的是理解能力,归纳总结,批判性思维 的能力, 和正确高效的表达能力。 这是学术英语的 难度 所在。
What is your strength and weakness ? All about academic English 2
writing listening speaking reading
Reading 1.Understanding meaning 2.Reading efficiently 3.Note taking.
Understanding meaning deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words and word groups; Working out the implications - information not explicitly stated and writer’s attitude Working out the text structure distinguishing the main ideas from supporting detail; recognising facts from opinion; extracting key points to summarise; reading critically/evaluating the text.
Reading efficiently Surveying (纵览) the text, chapter/article, paragraphs, Skimming (浏览) for gist/general impression; Scanning (浏览) to locate specifically required information; reading quickly
Note taking
Listening Understanding meaning: – Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words and word groups - guessing. – Recognizing implications and understanding intonation, voice emphasis, etc. Recognizing lecture structure Understanding important points Take notes
Share your findings in Speech Producing and using notes (ppts), Planning and presenting. – Put your most important points first – Repeat main ideas – Control your voice – Connect yourself to your field – Prepare more than you need
It is better to try to be original than to merely imitate others, in my opinion imitation is always necessary before we can create something original. Idea and creativity are very important, these are two main reasons behind anything that is successful. Products from company such as Apple had proven that being original is always better than trying to imitate others. The best example is their most successful product Iphone which outsells every single phone in the world and changed our life just from being original. Their success has proven that being original is better than imitate others. To imitate others is usually very easy,all they have to do is to follow the steps, but all the hard work is done by the people who were original, and most of them had experienced failures and hardships. Not surprisingly it is the "original ones" always gets all the credits. In our world, not everyone is as smart and creative as Thomas Edison, sometimes we have to learn to imitate others first before we can become original. Imitating is not always bad, it can also help to improve the product. It's always better to try to be original than to imitate others, but imitating others is not always bad. We have to learn to imitate before we can create. :
Writing 写作能力是: – 留学的必须 – 事业发展的必须 – 口语瓶颈的突破口 – 学术英语能力的铁证
YOUR ideas. Use simple, concise language. Be bold with your ideas; don’t be bold with your language.
Your LANGUAGE. Paraphrase or summarize sources; do not copy them word for word.
Share Your Findings in Writing Define your problem clearly Order your ideas Help your reader predict what is coming
Academic Writing(1) TaskSkills neededProducts 1 1.Read the question 2.Think about the subject, the purpose and the audience. thinking academically subject 21.Think about what you know about the subject. 2.Write it down brainstormingdiagrams or notes
Academic Writing(2) TaskSkills neededProducts 3Go to the library and find relevant books or articles. library/ research skills Reading list. 4 1.Read and study the books on your reading list reading skills: skimming and scanning, List of materials studied
Academic Writing(3) TaskSkills neededProducts 5Make notes on these books and articles. Record full details of the materials you use. reading in detail, selecting & note- taking, paraphrasing/ summarising Notes 6 Organise your piece of work. planning organisation Plan
Academic Writing(4) TaskSkills neededProducts 7Type or write your first draft. 1. writing from notes 2. synthesis 3. writing paragraphs 4. typing/word-processing First draft 8Discuss your first draft with others if possible. 1.speaking skills 2.listening skills 3.discussion skills List of revisions /changes
Academic Writing(5) TaskSkills neededProducts 9 1. Revise your first draft, bearing in mind any comments that were made in your discussions. 2. Produce your second draft 1. use of dictionaries & reference books 2. writing introduction & conclusion 3. writing a list of references Second draft. 101.Proofread your draft Writing with changes marked.
Skills needed for proofreading checking for spelling mistakes checking punctuation and grammar checking vocabulary use checking style checking organisation, references etc. checking for plagiarism
Academic Writing(6) TaskSkills neededProducts 111.Produce a final typed version. typing/word- processing Final piece of work 12 Check everything.final checkHand in version
Q1: Can you identify some of your weaknesses in academic English?
How can you improve it? All about academic English 3
Novels Non-fiction books Televised news Other TV programs
Online lectures Flashcards Output (essays you write, conversations you have)
Be able to summarize Be able to explain an author’s reasoning Don’t stop there!
Practice doesn’t always make perfect. Get feedback from the right people. Use the right study tools for you.
Edit and discuss work with your classmates on a regular basis. Make sure your writing fits the hourglass structure. Consider the weaknesses of your argument, and correct them or write counter-point.
Record yourself and listen. Edit your own writing.
English is A key issue, but not THE key issue. English is A key issue, but not THE key issue. Let’s Come Here and Go Further liuxue.beiwaibest.com
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