Level 1 You can read single words written clearly with pictures to help. Level 2 You can read sentences aloud and match them to pictures. You can use a glossary to find out meanings of new words. Level 3 You can read short texts and conversations. You can use a bi- lingual dictionary. You can identify and note main points and personal responses. Level 4 You can read a short story or a factual text printed clearly. You can guess the meaning of a new word. Level 5 You can read short texts about what has happened, is happening, or is going to happen. You can read authentic materials e.g. newspapers, magazines, leaflets. Level 6 You can read long stories and articles. You can understand the main points from long texts covering different tenses
Level 1 You can copy words correctly. You can label pictures or complete short sentences with a single word. Level 2 You can copy sentences correctly. You can write accents properly. You can learn and spell words by heart. Level 3 You can write short sentences using aids and from memory. You can write about what you like and dislike. Your spelling is easily understandable. Level 4 You can write your own paragraphs. You can use your knowledge of grammar to adapt and substitute individual words and set phrases. You can use dictionaries and glossaries to check spellings. Level 5 You can write about your own opinions. You can say what will happen in the future or what has happened recently. Meaning can be understood easily. You use dictionaries and glossaries to check spellings. Level 6 You can write longer texts including the past, the present the future. You can use formal and informal language. You can apply grammar in new contexts. Meaning is usually clear.
Level 1 You can understand clear classroom commands and simple questions from your teacher (with gestures and repetition as needed). Level 2 You can understand basic instructions, statements and questions from your teacher or cassette (with repetition as needed). Level 3 You can understand short dialogues, instructions and messages using familiar language at near normal speed. You can pick out the main points and note (with repetition) your personal opinions on a grid. Level 4 You can understand longer dialogues at almost normal speed with little interference and answer questions (repetition possible). Level 5 You can understand (without interference) familiar material from several topics including present, past or future events. Level 6 You can understand familiar language covering past, present and future events in unfamiliar contexts as normal speed.
Level 1 You can read single words written clearly with pictures to help. Level 2 You can read sentences aloud and match them to pictures. You can use a glossary to find out meanings of new words. Level 3 You can read short texts and conversations. You can use a bi- lingual dictionary. You can identify and note main points and personal responses. Level 4 You can read a short story or a factual text printed clearly. You can guess the meaning of a new word. Level 5 You can read short texts about what has happened, is happening, or is going to happen. You can read authentic materials e.g. newspapers, magazines, leaflets. Level 6 You can read long stories and articles. You can understand the main points from long texts covering different tenses
Level 1 You can understand clear classroom commands and simple questions from your teacher (with gestures and repetition as needed). Level 2 You can understand basic instructions, statements and questions from your teacher or cassette (with repetition as needed). Level 3 You can understand short dialogues, instructions and messages using familiar language at near normal speed. You can pick out the main points and note (with repetition) your personal opinions on a grid. Level 4 You can understand longer dialogues at almost normal speed with little interference and answer questions (repetition possible). Level 5 You can understand (without interference) familiar material from several topics including present, past or future events. Level 6 You can understand familiar language covering past, present and future events in unfamiliar contexts as normal speed.