Advanced Excel: Using Formulas for Business Managers Buckner Creel: Administrator for Business and Finance, Lincoln Public Schools Ian Dailey: Assistant Director of Finance, Lexington Public Schools Matthew Gillis: School Business Administrator, Hull Public Schools Cindy Mahr: Assist. Superintendent for Finance & Ops., Weston Public Schools Sean Mannion: Senior Budget Analyst, Newton Public Schools
Helpful Payroll Projection Formulas Done frequently throughout the year Approximately 85% of annual operating budget Helpful formulas for quickly/accurately projecting CONCATENATE VLOOKUP HLOOKUP IF Formula Nesting Pivot Tables
CONCATENATE Joins several text strings into one text string Merge segments of account strings Create unique strings of data in conjunction with “lookups”
VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Looks for a value in the leftmost(V)/topmost(H) column(V)/row(H) in a data range and returns the value in the same row(V)/column(H) from a column(V)/row(H) that you specify. Requires four pieces of data separated by commas:
Payroll Controls & Projections
Payroll Controls & Projections Looking up: 2015_100_26_A_Biweekly In: “Work_Year” Returning: Row 54 Multiplying against “rate” of $327.1915
Named Ranges
Payroll Controls & Projections
IF Statement – Example 1 =IF ( A2 = 5, B2, C2 ) Statement or test - Checks if cell A2 equals a value of 5 True value – If A2 equals 5, returns cell B2 False value – If A2 does not equal 5, returns cell C2
IF Statement – Example 2 Salary Projections - Accruals =IF ( AND ( E2 = 3, F2 = 24 ), 4*G2, 0) Statement or test - Checks if both cell E2 equals 3 and cell F2 equals 24; Both statements must be TRUE with AND statement True value – If both statements are TRUE, return 4 times cell G2 False value – If at least one statement is FALSE, return value of 0
IF Statement – Example 3 Nested IF Statements =IF ( D2 = “TA1”, IF ( E2 > 10, “MID”, “BEG”), VLOOKUP(D2,stepdate,3,FALSE)) Statement or test - Checks if cell D2 equals “TA1” True value – If D2 equals “TA1” then Statement or test – Checks if cell E2 is greater than value 10 True value – If E2>10, then return text “MID” False value – If E2<>10, then return text “BEG” False value – If D2 does not equal “TA1” then return VLOOKUP(D2, stepdate, 3, FALSE)
IF Statement – Example 3 Nested IF Statements =IF ( D2 = “TA1”, IF ( E2 > 10, “MID”, “BEG”), VLOOKUP(D2,stepdate,3,FALSE)) FINAL OUTPUT
Summarizing for Quarterly Reports
Compliance with DESE account guidance yields a ton of accounts For each program at each school for two campuses = 1,100 acounts, plus 900 special revenue accounts = ~2,000 expense accounts, over 800 active at any one time Goal -- reduce mass of data to usable information SC focus: General Fund & equivalent accounts
Quarterly Report to School Cmte
Start with data dump (from MUNIS YTD report, in this instance) MUNIS – YTD Budget Report options
Cut & paste into report data worksheet Tag each account line Use VLOOKUP function to find object class from object code worksheet in same file
VLOOKUP function
VLOOKUP function Object Code file from MUNIS -- to find object class (worksheet in same file as report)
Sum amounts for object classes in pivot tables Transfer amounts to Qtrly Report Use VLOOKUP function to find amount from corresponding pivot table
Personnel Accounts Budget Status Formulas VLOOKUP LEFT, MID, RIGHT CONCATENATE Pivot tables Conditional formatting Goal – compare staffing plan with MUNIS account balances. Budget sufficient? Encumbrances correct?
Start with a Staffing Plan
Extract org code from account (LEFT) Extract object from account (RIGHT)
Add data dump (from MUNIS Account Inquiry, in this instance) Use CONCATENATE to create matching account number in first column
Create Plan Summary report – use VLOOKUP to add info from budget report Add other info as desired
Conditional formatting for exception mgt.