Dominik Beňo 5a Slovakia
Slovakia Map Interesting places Weather Popular peoples Food Summary
Slovakia is small country in Europa. Slovakia bordered for five countries, Czech republic, Hungary, Austria, Ukraine and Poland. Slovakia have 5 milion estimate. The capital city is Bratislava. The official language is Slovak. Slovakia
Slovakia have many interesting places. The most interesting place are High Tatras at north Slovakia. Next place is Low Tatras. In Low Tatras are Demänovská cave... Interesting places
High Tatras is the biggest mountain in Slovakia. High Tatras is center of traveling in Slovakia. The highest mountain is Gerlach shield for high 2654m. High Tatras is the smallest mountain in the world. High Tatras
Low Tatras is smaller than High Tatras. LowTatras is beautiful. The highest mountain is Ďumbier. LowTatras is on Liptov and Horehronie. LowTatras
Demänovská Ice Cave or is an ice cave in the Demänovská Valley in Slovakia. It was first mentioned in 1299 and is one of oldest caves in Europe. It was reopened to the public after the reconstruction of wooden stairs and electrical lighting in The route for visitors is 850 m long and takes about 45 minutes to traverse. Demänovská cave
In Slovakia is milt weather. On north is colder than south. The coldest places are valleys and mountains. Lowlands are hot. Weather
M. R. štefánik was Slovak politic, pilot, astromer and diplomat. He was born on and he died Popular peoples-M. R. Štefánik
Traditional foods in Slovakia are bryndzové halušky and pirohy. Food