Oklahoma’s innovative action to increase applied research and technology commercialization for more high-paying jobs and a strong, diversified economy
Policy Board Members Gary W. Derrick, (Chair) Derrick & Briggs (Governor Appointee) Ken Levit, Executive Director, George Kaiser Family Foundation (Pro Tempore Appointee) Thomas C. Kupiec, Ph.D., President and CEO, Analytical Research Laboratories and DNA Solutions (Speaker Appointee) Greg McKenzie, Attorney, Edmond, Oklahoma (Governor Appointee) Bond Payne, Chairman of the Board, Heritage Trust (Speaker Appointee Stephen Prescott, M.D., President, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (Pro Tempore Appointee) Paul G. Risser, Ph.D., Executive Director, EDGE Policy Board
Research and Development OK US R&D as share of GDP (%) Federal R&D obligations per civilian worker ($) Federal R&D obligations per individual in S&E occupation ($) 5,469 20,396 Industry-performed R&D as share of private-industry output (%) Academic R&D per $1000 GDP NSF Science and Engineering Indicators, 2008 Science and Engineering Indicators (
EDGE legislation (Title 62 O.S. Supp.2007 §47, §52) Requires one or more: 1. Expand the number of researchers, technicians and support services 2. Formation and growth of advanced technology companies 3. Leverage of additional federal research grants and/or privately funded research 4. Improve the health status and quality of life for Oklahoma
EDGE Policy Board Mission To make investments in Oklahoma’s knowledge infrastructure to benefit the State’s long-term economic growth Key concepts: relatively large dollar amounts over one to several years competitively approved projects business sector priorities preference for collaboration public and private organizations create/grow companies and Oklahoma economy build research capacity and attract external dollars
Operating Policies Broad publicity No minimum-maximum dollar amount >25% technology commercialization <20% for equipment Few projects Return on investment
Operating Policies and Procedures Areas of focus: Aerospace Agriculture Biotechnology Energy Information Technology/ Telecommunications Nanotechnology Sensors Weather Science Other
Four-layer Review Process 1. Pre-proposals Advisory Committee, Staff, Policy Board 2. Proposals – technical reviewers Technical quality, some business evaluation 3. Proposals – Advisory Committee Technical and business 4. Proposals – Policy Board Previous reviews, needs of Oklahoma
EDGE Advisory Committee J. Donald Capra, M.D., (Chair) President Emeritus, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, OK Susan M. Bridges, Ph.D. Co-Director, Institute for Digital Biology, Mississippi State University Leroy Chiao, Ph.D. Executive Vice President, Excalibur Almaz, Houston, TX Richard A. Dixon, D. Phil. DSC, Senior Vice President, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, OK Robert Hines, Ph.D. President, tech Resources, Inc. Columbus, OH Robert McNeil, Ph.D. Managing Director, Sanderling Venture Partners, San Mateo, CA William Paiva, Ph.D. Manager, Oklahoma Life Science Fund, Sevin Rosen Funds, OK Duane Roth, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer, CONNECT, San Diego, CA San Diego, CA Warren Qualley, Ph.D. Senior Weather Engineer, Harris Corporation, Washington, DC Edward W. Ungar, Ph.D. President, Taratec Corporation, Columbus, OH Lori Wrotenbery Director, Oil and Gas Conservation Division, Corporation Commission, Oklahoma City, OK
EDGE Advisory Committee State and National – Technical and Business Oklahoma 4 California 2 Mississippi1 Ohio 2 Texas1 Washington D.C.1
EDGE 2009 EDGE Submissions Pre-proposals requested (65) Year 1 $75,134,313 Year 2 $63,763,783 Total $142,248,096 Aerospace: 8Nanotechnology: 2 Agriculture: 9Other: 4 Biotechnology: 15Sensors: 3 Energy: 10Weather Science: 2 Information Technology: 12 Businesses38 Research Organizations 5 Universities22 (Re-submissions 8)
Project Updates OrthoCare Innovations, LLC Shape Engineering for Advance Manufacturing (SEAM) Oklahoma Glyco- Manufacturing Center The Renewable EDGE Charlesson
Project Updates University Multispectral Laboratories (OKFIRST- UAS) University of Oklahoma – Next Generation Surfactant Technology Amethyst Research University of Oklahoma - HIEIP Selexys Pharmaceuticals Corporation
2010 Schedule April 20 th Solicitation for pre-proposals May 19 th Deadline for pre-proposals July 13 th Solicitation for proposals September 1 st Deadline for proposals October 22 nd Advisory Committee reviews and recommend projects November 9 th Policy Board selects projects to be funded
Economic Development Generating Excellence (EDGE) Website: Telephone: Fax: